Detected Bounding Boxes comparison function bboxesCompare

This function compares similarity of objects in images using the computed bounding boxes found using any object detection tool.
ダウンロード: 103
更新 2018/10/24


The function compares Images/objects using bounding boxes and gets a ratio/confusion matrix.
Usually used in stereo images to help finding corresponding objects in both left and right stereo images.
Using the output confidence ratio matrix we can determine how the objects detected in the images, using the given bounding boxes, we can understand which object corresponds to which.
Very useful in stereo image triangulation to triangulate respective objects in both images.

confidenceratio = bboxesCompare(bbox1, bbox2, I1, I2, 'methodUsedForComparing', 'methodUsedForSampleDimensions')
methodUsedForComparing = 'ssim'(default),'psnr','immse,'corr2'
methodUsedForSampleDimensions = 'min'(default), 'maxmin', 'maxrescale', 'rescale'


Stalin Sabu Thomas (2024). Detected Bounding Boxes comparison function bboxesCompare (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2018a
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バージョン 公開済み リリース ノート

Not really a version update. Matlab only uploaded one file. Here is an example file.
