Henry Giddens (2025). hgiddenss/CST_App (https://github.com/hgiddenss/CST_App), GitHub. に取得済み.
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ヒントを与えたファイル: TCSTInterface - CST Studio Suite to MATLAB Interface
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バージョン | 公開済み | リリース ノート | |
1.2.26 | Added two new methods:
See help sections for more info |
1.2.25 | New method: pickPoints |
1.2.24 | deleteParameter method added |
1.2.23 | New Methods (addDispersiveMaterial), updated examples and functions |
1.2.22 | add InstallMacroScript for installing macros when CST_App fails to do so correctly |
1.2.21 | application.2019 to application |
1.2.20 | Fix addNormalMaterial so tanD and tanDM values can be added correctly |
1.2.19 | Remove command forcing CST to open 2019 version |
1.2.18 | Bug Fix for getSParams causing an error when only one parametric sweep had been simulated. |
1.2.17 | Bug Fixes, New Booleon Methods |
1.2.16 | Added support for retrieving s-parameter results from parametric sweeps using the method getSParams. Old method getSParameters still works as previous version but only outputs results from runID = 0. See example ManagingSParameters.m for more info. |
1.2.15 | Updated definition of background material in class creator to stop it setting it as something other than a vacuum by default. New methodto set background to other "normal" or "pec" materials. Add options for tand and sigma for normal materials. |
1.2.14 | Bug fix in dipole example,
1.2.13 | I believe getEFieldVector is now returning the correct field and coordinate values in all planes. Examples to be updated... |
1.2.12 | Bug fix to getEFieldVector for y-z and x-z planes. A few other bug fixes that hopefully haven't effected other functionality, but not fully tested. |
1.2.11 | Fixed issue opening existing CST files
| | New Image Icon |
| | change image icon |
| | Updated image |
1.2.10 | Changed image icon |
1.2.9 | Bug fixes, improvement/changes to some methods and examples.
1.2.8 | Removed 'ports' property as this was unused. Tidied up code. Updated examples. Minor bug fixes. Changed input arg list for rotateObject method but will still work with old input argument list. |
1.2.7 | Significant improvements to plotting simulation setup in Matlab plot windows including plotting all objects in the same colors that they appear in the CST session. Macros will be installed locally, most likely into the app_data folder. |
1.2.6 | Updates: Extensive support for using parameters when building CST models. You should be able to use parameters to build all types of objects as the x/y values. Does not support expressions which include parameters.
1.2.5 | New Method: getPortSignals - read port signals into Matlab |
1.2.4 | Improvements and bug fixes to plotting simulation setup in matlab |
1.2.3 | New Functionality: - draw the CST simulation setup directly into Matlab axes by importing a specific CST solid or surface (in components) and plotting as surface object in Matlab
1.2.2 | Bug fixes and minor improvements |
1.2.1 | Main Updates: Turn auto updating off and let Matlab send a long list of commands to CST so building can be done all at once. See 'BuildAtOnceExample.m'
1.1.6 | Improved file handling: CST = CST_MicrowaveStudio(); with no input parameters will return an object which is associated with the currently active mws project.
1.1.5 | Updates to CST_Microwave studio with some new functionality.
1.1.4 | Added new functionality for handling parameters:
1.1.3 | New Method: getFieldIDStrings to return strings needed for getFarField and getEFieldVector
1.1.2 | New method getMeshInfo
| | Added method getEFieldVector to return the electric field value from e-field monitor for a simulation performed using the time domain solver and hexahedral mesh. Updates and bug fix in the Examples\dipole.m file |
| | Bug fixed for defineFloquetModes method |
| |