TCSTInterface - CST Studio Suite to MATLAB Interface
======= Introduction =======
This `TCSTInterface` class allows for communication with CST Microwave Studio (CST Studio Suite) from within MATLAB using Windows' COM technology.
The main goal of this submission is to control an **existing** CST project, get and post-process the simulation results, export geometry and get various information from the project. If there is a need to **build** the geometry programmatically, there is another good submission in Matlab File Exchange ( which suits better for that.
======== Features ==========
This CST-MATLAB interface features the following:
### Model control:
- Open/close CST project, connect to the active one;
- Store/change/read/enumerate parameters of the model with or without the model rebuild, getting parameters' expressions.
- Copy all model parameters and their values to MATLAB workspace.
- Enumerate/add/delete field monitors.
- Find Run ID for the given parameter combination.
### Solving:
- Run selected solver;
- Preparing the CST project for evaluating the cost function in MATLAB while optimizing. It can also be used for running a custom MATLAB function as the CST simulation post-processing step ("Template Based Post-Processing").
### Retrieving results:
- Enumerate tree items in the Navigation Tree.
- Read 1D results from any tree item with several available filters.
- 1D results can be queried for a specific X-coordinate (often frequency), optionally with interpolation.
- Read S- or Z-parameters in a convenient matrix form for multi-port structures.
- Get model parameters corresponding to each Run ID in the Result Navigator.
- All queries for results can have a Run ID filter.
- Read radiation field for both single-frequency and broadband field monitors.
- Reading results for parametric sweeps done in CST. As an option, each such result can be organized in a matrix, each dimension of which corresponds to one of the swept parameters.
### Exporting:
- Export S-parameters to TOUCHSTONE file by means of CST;
- Export current model view to an image. User can rotate the model view before exporting.
- Export the model geometry to an STL file (triangulated objects) with surface approximation control.
### View control (useful for image exporting):
- Rotate 3D view to predefined position or custom view direction (like in MATLAB "view" function).
- Toggle wire-frame view.
- Toggle gradient background.
### Getting various information:
- About materials used in the project: name, color, transparency.
- About geometrical objects (solids): name, component, material, color and transparency (exactly how it looks in CST), volume, mass.
- CST license info.
- Project units for different quantities and coefficient to convert them to SI units.
In addition, a customized STL-file reader is included in order to plot geometry like they are seen in CST MWS.
One of the class methods (`ReadParametricResults`) use two custom classes (`TResultsStorage` and `TMyTable`). I apologize for not providing source code for them, but they are not yet in the state to go public :)
If other functionality is desired, please post a feature request here:
All functionalities are well documented in the included Live Script demos. MATLAB R2018a or higher is desired in order to not loose code samples in the demos.
======== Bugs found? ==========
If you encounter any errors or notice some misfunction while using the interface, please open an issue directly in GitHub (
======= Acknowledgment ========
I would like to thank Jan Simon for his great function `GetFullPath` (, it is very helpful for this interface.
Oleg Iupikov (2025). TCSTInterface - CST Studio Suite to MATLAB Interface (, GitHub. に取得済み.
MATLAB リリースの互換性
Windows macOS Linuxカテゴリ
- MATLAB > Data Import and Analysis > Data Import and Export > Standard File Formats > STL (STereoLithography) >
ヒントを得たファイル: hgiddenss/CST_App
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バージョン | 公開済み | リリース ノート | |
2.2.0 |