Baby Vein Detection

バージョン 1.0 (1.81 KB) 作成者: Selva Karna
Baby Vein Detection
ダウンロード: 526
更新 2016/8/8


In any surgery, the first important phase is an insertion of an intravenous (IV) catheter. The major problem face by the physicians is difficulty in accessing vein for IV drug delivery or taking blood samples for test. In case of children, adults, critical care patients etc. It is very difficult task. Unnecessary puncturing of veins occurs due to poor visibility. Wrong puncturing may leads many problems such as bruises or permanently damage the vein. To overcome from these problems there is a need of vein detection system. The paper presents an approach for live baby Vein detection System. In the proposed work live camera is used to identify the veins. The preprocessing is done to enhance the vein image using CLAHE.


Selva Karna (2024). Baby Vein Detection (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2013b
Windows macOS Linux
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ヒントを得たファイル: word2num, semiprime123.m

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バージョン 公開済み リリース ノート

Baby Vein Detection Features Calculation
The paper presents an approach for live baby Vein detection System. In the proposed work live camera is used to identify the veins. The preprocessing is done to enhance the vein image using CLAHE.