Frequency Domain to Baseband-complex time-domain Modeling in RF Blockset

バージョン (10.6 KB) 作成者: Colin Warwick
Illustrates the relationships between time and frequency parameters used in RF Blockset.
ダウンロード: 5.2K
更新 2004/7/12


RF Blockset converts frequency domain RF information to a baseband-complex time-domain model, for fast execution and compatibility with Simulink signal processing and communications blocks.

This simple model illustrates some relationships inherent in the conversion...

* Length of impulse response = number of sub bands

* Total bandwidth = 1/sample time

* sub band bandwidth = total bandwidth / number of sub bands

Select "View=>Model Explorer" on the Simulink menu to view and change the n_sub_bands and bandwidth parameters in the Model Workspace, then rerun the model to see the effect


Colin Warwick (2025). Frequency Domain to Baseband-complex time-domain Modeling in RF Blockset (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

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作成: R14
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