% mesh = icoSphereMesh(n)
% This code returns a triangle mesh for the unit icosphere in 3 dimensions
% n = recursion level: (default = 1)
% n == 0 returns 12 verticies
% n == 1 returns 42 verticies
% n == 2 returns 162 verticies
% n == 3 returns 642 verticies
% n == 4 returns 2562 verticies
% n == 5 returns 10242 verticies
% n > 5 set n == 5 to avoid huge mesh.
% mesh = struct with fields:
% mesh.face = [M x 3] array of indicies for each triangle
% mesh.x = the x-coordinate of each vertex
% mesh.y = the y-coordinate of each vertex
% mesh.z = the z-coordinate of each vertex
% 1) Plot using: trimesh(mesh.face, mesh.x, mesh.y, mesh.z);
% 2) My code is based on code from two online sources:
% http://blog.andreaskahler.com/2009/06/creating-icosphere-mesh-in-code.html
% http://eeg.sourceforge.net/doc_m2html/bioelectromagnetism/mesh_refine_tri4.html
Matthew Kelly (2024). icoSphereMesh(n) (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/54434-icospheremesh-n), MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.
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