Enhancement to errorbar() plot

バージョン (933 Bytes) 作成者: Chuong Nguyen
Better alternative to errorbar() for flexibilities and avoidance of error with legend().
ダウンロード: 5.3K
更新 2004/7/6


Combination of plot() and errorbar_plus() can solve many prolems with the original errorbar() and can provide some more useful flexibilities. With errorbar_plus, horizontal plot of errors is possible. Different markers can be used instead of the usual "I " shaped bar. The wrong annotation of legend() when plotting with 2 or more data sets can be avoided with appropriate code arrangement.

Users are welcomed to add some other controls such as line style to errorbar.

Usage and example:
- see comments in errorbar_plus.m file, or
- download into matlab directory and type "help errorbar_plus"


Chuong Nguyen (2025). Enhancement to errorbar() plot (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/5383-enhancement-to-errorbar-plot), MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

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