RSA Public Key Encryption and Signing (32bit)

バージョン (2.77 KB) 作成者: Vincent Wilms
Basic RSA Public Key encryption and signing to demonstrate the principle.
ダウンロード: 2.4K
更新 2015/10/11


This submission was created to learn a bit about RSA Public Key encryption and signing. It consists of the following files:
GenerateKeyPair (Generates the public and private key)
Encrypt (using the public key)
Decrypt (using the private key)
Sign (using the private key)
Verify (using the public key)
Test (giving an example how these functions are used)

and two helper functions:


Unfortunately the randseed command of the Communications System Toolbox ist required at the moment. To remove this dependency it is possible to enter the two random prime numbers manually in the GenerateKeyPair script.

Since the purpose of this small framework is to understand the basic principle of RSA, I did not implement a biginteger type and also did not optimize the helper functions for huge numbers (2048 bit). The randseed command provides prime numbers up to 1000 or ~2^10.


Vincent Wilms (2024). RSA Public Key Encryption and Signing (32bit) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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作成: R2013a
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