Two-phase obstacle problem in 1D and its aposteriori error estimate

バージョン 1.0 (23.1 KB) 作成者: Jan Valdman
Calculation of two-phase obstacle problem and its a posteriori error estimate
ダウンロード: 478
更新 2016/3/7


This code computes a finite element approximation to benchmark two-phase obstacle problem in 1D and estimates the quality of obtained approximation in terms a posteriori error estimate. Details on theory and numerics can be found in the paper
Sergey Repin, Jan Valdman, A posteriori error estimates for two-phase obstacle problem. Journal of Mathematical Sciences 207, No. 2, 324-336 (2015)

A link to the paper can be found at the author's web page .
Please cite the papers if you find the code useful.

Call 'start' in the main directory to run the code.


Jan Valdman (2024). Two-phase obstacle problem in 1D and its aposteriori error estimate (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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作成: R2012b
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バージョン 公開済み リリース ノート

paper info added, code updated (better pictures, higher flexibility)