Data converter from Simulink Design Verifier to test tool TPT

バージョン (1.38 KB) 作成者: Jens
Function converts Simulink Design Verifier test cases into a format that can be imported into TPT
ダウンロード: 307
更新 2012/8/17


Simulink Design Verifier can generate test cases. The testing and verification tool TPT can be used for functional testing of Simulink models. Test is TPT can be complemented by DesignVerifier tests e.g. to increase model coverage. Reuse SLDV-tests in TPT.
For the simple import of the Simulink Design Verifier tests into TPT convert the data using sldv2tpt.m
Then use the functionality in TPT "Import test data as scenarios" for the batch import of all test cases.


Jens (2025). Data converter from Simulink Design Verifier to test tool TPT (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2007b
Windows macOS Linux
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