Bowling Game

バージョン 1.0.0 (1.27 MB) 作成者: Flávio Luiz
This is an example of use of simscape multibody with spatial contacts force block.
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更新 2024/11/14


This example demonstrate the use of spatial contact force block on the simscape multibody environment.
When running the *prj file, it will populate the workspace with the necessary values. You can play with ball variables by changing the paramenters below on the file "BowlingParameters.m"
ball_initial_speed = 8; % in m/s, initial ball speed
ball_height_init = 50; % in cm, height the ball is dropped.
% 0 means ball in contact with the lane
ball_Y_pos = 0; % in cm, lateral displacement where the ball is shooted.
% 0 mean the middle of the lane. Range -100 to 100
ball_init_pos = 500; %in cm, its the initial position on the lane.
Several improvements can be made like change the pins design for a more representative one, improve colouring, but the point of this example is to show how to use the spatial contact force block.


Flávio Luiz (2024). Bowling Game (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2024b
Windows macOS Linux

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