Trans-Lunar Trajectory Correction Maneuver – OTB

バージョン 1.0.0 (30.6 MB) 作成者: David Eagle
Optimize a single trajectory correction maneuver (TCM) located on a trans-lunar trajectory.
ダウンロード: 9
更新 2024/10/28


This is a MATLAB script named translunar_tcm_otb that can be used to optimize a single trajectory correction maneuver (TCM) at a user-defined time and geocentric state vector (position and velocity vectors) on a trans-lunar (Earth-to-Moon) trajectory. This TCM can be used to correct trajectory dispersions or perhaps re-target a lunar free return trajectory to different selenocentric final mission conditions.
The software assumes the TCM occurs impulsively which results in a discontinuity in the geocentric velocity vector but not the position vector.
The type of final selenocentric (Moon-centered) mission constraints can be selected by the user from one of the following script options;
  1. selenocentric radius and inclination
  2. selenocentric user-defined b dot r and b dot t
  3. selenocentric node/apse alignment
The characteristics of the final selenocentric mission constraints can be calculated in one of the following three different coordinate systems;
  1. Earth true-of-date
  2. Earth mean equator and equinox of J2000
  3. mean lunar equator and IAU node of epoch).
In the translunar_tcm_otb “simple shooting” algorithm, the spacecraft orbital motion includes the Earth’s non-spherical gravity and the point-mass perturbations of the Sun and Moon.
This MATLAB script reads JPL DE430 lunar and solar ephemerides in a machine-independent binary format (kernels) which are available from the SPICE web site and by anonymous ftp from These *.bsp ephemeris files are IEEE-Little Endian style of binary kernel. This is the binary form native to PC/Linux, PC/Windows and MAC/Intel machines. Additional information about JPL ephemerides can be found at
The translunar_tcm_otb script uses routines from the MICE software suite to read and evaluate the JPL ephemeris file. Platform-specific MICE mex files, support functions and the binary ephemeris file (de430.bsp) are available at MICE is a MATLAB implementation of the SPICE library created by JPL.
This MATLAB script uses the fmincon (minimization with constraints) algorithm of the Mathworks® Optimization Toolbox to solve this optimization problem. The actual numerical method is the ‘interior-point’ algorithm.


David Eagle (2025). Trans-Lunar Trajectory Correction Maneuver – OTB (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2024a
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