A Chaotic PRBG using Robust Chaotic Map

バージョン 1.0.0 (1.76 KB) 作成者: Lazaros Moysis
A chaotic pseudo random bit generator that generates 64 bits per iteration, using robust chaotic maps
ダウンロード: 8
更新 2024/5/22


The code implements the chaotic Pseudo Random Bit Generator proposed in the following work:
- Moysis, L., Lawnik, M., Baptista, M., Volos, C., & Fragulis, G. F. (2024). A Family Of 1D Modulo-Based Maps Without Equilibria And Robust Chaos—Application To A PRBG. Nonlinear Dynamics.
Please cite this work if you use the code below.
This method does not require saving the previous values of x_i. So in each iteration, we simply compute x_i, and save it in the same variable. We encourage you to read the work for further details.
Lazaros Moysis


Lazaros Moysis (2024). A Chaotic PRBG using Robust Chaotic Map (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/166306-a-chaotic-prbg-using-robust-chaotic-map), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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