Electrostatic Loudspeaker Model in Simscape

A Simscape model of a simple electrostatic loudspeaker uses the Variable Gap Capacitor component that was introduced in R2023b.
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更新 2024/3/20


The structure and performance of the electrostatic loudspeaker has been well described in many references and will not be repeated here. The early work of Walker gave a good description that remains relevant [1], and later described a version with better diurectivity [2]. The more recent work of Mellow gives more recent devellopments and is summarized in a recent book chapter [3]. The Simscape model include here follows the work of Mellow and calculates the electrical behavior an dacoustical radiation from a circular diaphragm that is 14 cm in diameter. That Simscape model is shown in Fig. 1.
[1] Peter J.Walker, Wide range electrostatic loudspeakers. WirelessWorld 61(5) pp. 208-211; 61(6) pp 265-269; 61(8) pp 381-384, 1955.
[2] Peter J. Walker, “New Developments in electrostatic loudspeakers,” J. Audio Eng. Soc. 28(11), 1980, pp. 795-9.
[3] Leo Beranek and Tim Mellow, “Electrostatic Loudspeakers,” Ch. 15 in Acoustics: Sound Fields, Transducers and Vibrations, 2nd ed. Academic Press, New York, 2019.


Stephen Thompson (2024). Electrostatic Loudspeaker Model in Simscape (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/161436-electrostatic-loudspeaker-model-in-simscape), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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