Modelling registers in Embedded MATLAB

バージョン (12.9 KB) 作成者: Kiran Kintali
This example shows how to use Embedded MATLAB to model memory elements
ダウンロード: 2.7K
更新 2016/9/1


Delay blocks in Simulink help to model memory elements in hardware. This example shows how to model the same delays in Embedded MATLAB using persistent variables.
The model consists of four subsystems each modeling a kind of delay (unit delay, integer delay, tap delay, tap delay vector) and comparing the results with corresponding block in Simulink with identical behavior.

Delays are essential in writing causal algorithms (those that use previous input and output samples to compute current output samples) in signal processing.


Kiran Kintali (2025). Modelling registers in Embedded MATLAB (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

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作成: R2007a
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