バージョン 1.0.1 (83.6 KB) 作成者: Vikas Chelluru
The Raspberry Pi car project is an excellent example of how modern technology can be utilized to create innovative solutions.
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更新 2023/4/30


The Raspberry Pi car project is an excellent example of how modern technology can be utilized to create innovative solutions that make everyday tasks easier and more efficient. By utilizing the Raspberry Pi platform and several support packages in MATLAB and Simulink, you have created a remote-controlled car that can be controlled over WiFi using a smartphone. The car's speed and direction can be controlled using two PWM pins (12 and 13) and four digital pins, respectively.
The project showcases the versatility of the Raspberry Pi platform and the power of MATLAB and Simulink support packages. These platforms enable you to integrate different components and functionalities seamlessly, such as GPIO pins, camera, and WiFi connectivity. By doing so, you can create a practical and innovative solution that can be applied in various fields.
Overall, the Raspberry Pi car project is a great example of how hardware and software engineering can be combined to create a practical and innovative solution. The use of PWM pins and support packages in MATLAB and Simulink highlights the potential of these platforms for various applications. This project is a great inspiration for others to explore the possibilities of modern technology in their projects.


Vikas Chelluru (2025). RASPI_CAR_CONTROLLED_OVER_WIFI_AND_LIVE_STREAM (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/128784-raspi_car_controlled_over_wifi_and_live_stream), MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2022b
Windows macOS Linux
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