A Search Algorithm for Engineering Optimization

These codes present various examples of engineering optimization and tuning the controllers’ gain.
ダウンロード: 211
更新 2022/6/30


The engineering optimization algorithms have been presented drastically recently, here is a simple method for constrained engineering optimization for both static and dynamic systems. The simplicity of the method and random solution for reaching the optimal answer are the advantages of this method.
The formalism and details of the method could be followed in the following publication:
Nekoo, Saeed Rafee, José Ángel Acosta, and Anibal Ollero. "A Search Algorithm for Constrained Engineering Optimization and Tuning the Gains of Controllers." Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 206: 117866, 2022.
The codes have been named based on the sections of the above report. Some excel files and a more complete version is available as the supplementary material of the paper on the journal website.


Nekoo, Saeed Rafee, José Ángel Acosta, and Anibal Ollero. "A Search Algorithm for Constrained Engineering Optimization and Tuning the Gains of Controllers." Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 206: 117866, 2022.

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