Problem 329. Poker Series 01: isStraightFlush
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Very late here since the last comment, but if you care to update, my code passed all the tests but it ran into an error when dealing with a normal flush. May want to put a test in there for five 1's in a single row but not consecutive
So, just to clarify, because in normal poker, 9 10 J Q K beats A 2 3 4 5, at least I think and an online simulator proved that to be correct...
in your case, A high beats K high? I might need to analyze the expected answers a bit but you did say in your problem statement that A high trumps, so I just wanted to check
If you are starting the Poker Series, consider including a score for the hand in your code. Problems 1-9 will allow you to identify the hand types (flush, straight, quads, etc.) in problem 10, but in problem 11 you will need a way to break ties between two straights, two full houses, two flushes, etc. For this problem, for example, the score could simply be the high card of the straight flush.
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- Poker Series 01: isStraightFlush
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