Netcdf file, subregion selection

3 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
CARLOTTA DENTICO 2021 年 8 月 5 日
Hello everybody,
Hope someone can help me out.
I have extracted a variable temp having dimensions 609 x 881 x 12 being lon x lat x depth respectively. This variable represents surface temperature over the arctic. I want to extract a subregion having this coordinates fram = (lon>=0 & lon<=20 & lat>=76 & lat<=80);
This is to have a final pcolot plot of the temperature in the region. Below what I did so far..
temp = ncread('','temperature');%%-------- change month!
temp_lev1 = temp(:,:,1);
LON = ncread('', 'longitude');
LAT = ncread('', 'latitude');
fram = (lon>=0 & lon<=20 & lat>=76 & lat<=80);
West = 0;
East = 20;
North= 80;
South = 76;
latmin = South;
latmax = North;
lonmin = West;
lonmax = East;
trovalat = LAT>=latmin & LAT<=latmax;
trovalon = LON>=lonmin & LON<=lonmax;
newlat = LAT(trovalat);
newlon = LON(trovalon);
[ix,iy] = meshgrid(newlon,newlat);
tempt = temp;
tempr = squeeze(tempt(:,trovalat,trovalon));
tempr (tempr == -32767)= NaN;
m_proj('MERCATOR', 'lon',[West East],'lat',[South North]);
hold on
m_pcolor (ix, iy, tempr)
shading interp;
caxis([0 3])
t= colorbar ('eastoutside');
Thank you!

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