
When to transpose an m*n matrix extracted from a multi dimensional matrix for use with surf command

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
I have an equation which is a fn of 5 variables. This results in an 5-Dimensional matrix Output=f(a,b,c,d,e) when i define it inside a multi for loop of 5.
I use the squeeze function to plot desired quantities, eg
surf(a,b, squeeze(output(:,:,1,1,1)
surf(b,c, squeeze(output(1,:,:,1,1)
surf(c,d, squeeze(output(1,1,:,:,1)
surf(a,d, squeeze(output(:,1,1,:,1)
surf(a,e, squeeze(output(:,1,1,1,:)
The problem is some of these results from the squeeze command are rows rather than vectors and thus the matching of the 2 inputs with the corresponding output is not correct when plotting the surfaces. Any idea how i correct this? Thanks in advance.

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