Parfor problem --- "Array construction from ByteBuffer Threw an exception"
35 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Hi! I run my code using the 'parfor' function BUT receive an error message:
- Array construction from ByteBuffer Threw an exception.
I am wondering what does this message mean in simple language? Any simple example could be great!
Thanks for your help!
6 件のコメント
Walter Roberson
2021 年 7 月 21 日
"I want to separate table records into different groups (in cells) based on the value of a variable (e.g., "varname_a"),"
G = findgroups(varname_a) ;
Tablename_cell = splitapply(@(x) {x}, Tablensme, G);
2022 年 12 月 1 日
編集済み: Alvaro
2022 年 12 月 1 日
The following code runs with no issues in my version of MATLAB R2022b.
load patients
% Create test table
Tablename = table(Gender(1:5), Height(1:5), 'VariableNames', {'Gender', 'Height'});
clearvars -except Tablename
Tablename_Cell = {};
K = table(unique(Tablename.Gender), ...
'VariableNames', {'Gender'});
A_number = 2;
parfor i = 1:A_number
Tablename_Cell{i} = Tablename(find(strcmp(Tablename.Gender, K.Gender(i))),:);
% Some other codes afterwards --- But even just keep the code
% above would receive the error message "Array construction
% from ByteBuffer Threw an exception."
I did switch from using == to strcmp since I got the error
Operator '==' is not supported for operands of type 'cell'.
but I believe everything else is the same. Consider trying Bowei's suggestion of using a for loop with a dummy table to determine whether parfor is the cause of the issue.
I would also take another look at the documentation that you linked
Functions like splitapply already include parallelization as part of their extended capabilities.
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その他の回答 (1 件)
Bowei Li
2022 年 8 月 18 日
Hi, I run into this error when using parfor as well. I found there was a undefined variable in my parfor loop. To check it, you may change your parfor to for, run it, and see what it says.
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