I'm glad my answer helped you solve the problem. I'm less glad you decided to edit away parts of your question. I have put a copy of it below. Feel free to put it back the way it was.
using parts of matrix with different sub-vectors (Matlab)
Dear members
I have this vector V divided on sub-vectors:
And I have also this matrix H:
I have this parameters:
T=5, M=5, N=10
For the first part of the matrix which is in the green screen, I use the vector [V0 V1].
For the second part of the matrix which is in the orange screen, I use the vector [V1 V2].
For the third part of the matrix which is in the black screen, I use the vector [V2 V3].
It means for the first step I always work on the first N rows and N*2 columns. Then I shif the screen with M columns and N rows.
I tried to program that like this:
for ess=1:q % q here = 3
if ess == 1
Hc = H(1:T*2,1:N*2); % Hc=H(1:10,1:20)
else if ess ==2
Hc = H(T+1:(T*2)+M,(T*2)+1:(T*2)+(N*2)); % Hc=H(6:15,11:30)
Hc = H((T*2)+1:end,(N*2)+1:end); % Hc=H(11:20,21:40)
But how can I program this loop in general way if I have a long vector V
@Rik The only formula is to work firstly on the first sub matrix using the first N rows and the first N*2 columns. Then, at each time we shift the previous sub matrix with M columns and N rows.