Use images to create video, script to read through hundreds of folders to do it

8 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
John 2013 年 8 月 20 日
コメント済み: John 2013 年 11 月 26 日
Task: I have been tasked to come up with a MATLAB script that takes tiff images in a folder and creates a movie from them.
Details: There are hundreds of folders, each containing two subfolders, that contain hundreds of images each. I need the script to... >Go into folder 1 >Go into subfolder A >Create a video using the hundreds of images there and save it in the folder >Go back out to folder 1 >Go into subfolder B >Create video like above >Go back out and into folder 2 and so on until it has gone through all of the folders.
I know... this is a big job
Problems: I created a folder on my desktop and downloaded pictures of numbers 1-10 as samples. I found a script that will go into that folder and create a video from the images. But that's it. I don't know if the video is created or saved anywhere, and all the viewer shows is the single images that are in the folder.
Here's the code I used... found it on here and linked to a video explaining it.
clear all
close all
framesPerSec = Enter #;
movie_name = ('Enter name');
aviobj = avifile(movie_name,'fps',framesPerSec);
dname = ('C/blah/blah);
top_file = [dname '\'];
ls_top_file = ls(top_file);
c = cellstr(ls_top_file);
cc = c(3:length(c));
S = size(cc);
a = 1;
while a <= S(1)
close all
file = char(cellstr([top_file char(cc(a))]));
data_n = char(cc(a))
file_name = char(cc(a));
fileToRead2 = [dname '\' file_name];
axis tight
hold off
h = getframe(gcf);
aviobj = addframe(aviobj,h);
a = a+1;
h = getframe(gcf);
aviobj = addframe(aviobj,h);
aviobj = close(aviobj);
Any tips on where to look, as I'm sure there are bits to my question that have been asked on here before.
  1 件のコメント
Jan 2013 年 8 月 26 日
The brute clearing header "clear all, close all, clc" reduces the power of the debugger for no real benefit.



Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2013 年 8 月 20 日
And here's a demo to show you how to recurse into subfolders:
% Start with a folder and get a list of all subfolders.
% Finds and prints names of all PNG, JPG, and TIF images in
% that folder and all of its subfolders.
clc; % Clear the command window.
workspace; % Make sure the workspace panel is showing.
format longg;
format compact;
% Define a starting folder.
start_path = fullfile(matlabroot, '\toolbox\images\imdemos');
% Ask user to confirm or change.
topLevelFolder = uigetdir(start_path);
if topLevelFolder == 0
% Get list of all subfolders.
allSubFolders = genpath(topLevelFolder);
% Parse into a cell array.
remain = allSubFolders;
listOfFolderNames = {};
while true
[singleSubFolder, remain] = strtok(remain, ';');
if isempty(singleSubFolder)
listOfFolderNames = [listOfFolderNames singleSubFolder];
numberOfFolders = length(listOfFolderNames)
% Process all image files in those folders.
for k = 1 : numberOfFolders
% Get this folder and print it out.
thisFolder = listOfFolderNames{k};
fprintf('Processing folder %s\n', thisFolder);
% Get PNG files.
filePattern = sprintf('%s/*.png', thisFolder);
baseFileNames = dir(filePattern);
% Add on TIF files.
filePattern = sprintf('%s/*.tif', thisFolder);
baseFileNames = [baseFileNames; dir(filePattern)];
% Add on JPG files.
filePattern = sprintf('%s/*.jpg', thisFolder);
baseFileNames = [baseFileNames; dir(filePattern)];
numberOfImageFiles = length(baseFileNames);
% Now we have a list of all files in this folder.
if numberOfImageFiles >= 1
% Go through all those image files.
for f = 1 : numberOfImageFiles
fullFileName = fullfile(thisFolder, baseFileNames(f).name);
fprintf(' Processing image file %s\n', fullFileName);
fprintf(' Folder %s has no image files in it.\n', thisFolder);
  28 件のコメント
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2013 年 11 月 26 日
Never saw a message. I don't get or use email for this account. Why don't you start a new discussion and post some images and your code?
John 2013 年 11 月 26 日
Sorry, didn't know. I posted the new question here


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