
Convert the symbolic expression into the expression which can be put on the RHS of an ODE.

3 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Hainan Wang
Hainan Wang 2021 年 5 月 11 日
回答済み: Hainan Wang 2021 年 6 月 12 日
I have a 2x2 ODE dx1dt = f[1];dx2dt = f[2](see Maple Code at the end for f[1], f[2]). The sensitivity equation is given as dSdt(i,j) = res(i,j) by vector form (corresponding element in matices of equation 5 (time derivative) and 7 in Maple code) for dx3dt~dx8dt appending with state equation for dx1dt and dx2dt, when a=1,b=0,c=1, i.e.,
dx1dt = x2;dx2dt = -sinx1-x2;
dx3dt = x4;dx4dt = -x3cosx1-x2-x4;
dx5dt = x6;dx6dt = -x5cosx1-x6-x2cosx1;
dx7dt = x8; dx8dt = -cos(x1)x7-x8-sinx1; -------------Formula (1)
Matlab code for same function as in Maple code is
nx = 2; % # of state variables
nu = 3; % # of model pars
nx_t = nx + nx*nu;
syms(sym('x', [1, nx_t])) % syms x1 x2 …x8
syms a b c
f(1) = x2
f(2) = -c*sin(x1)-(a+b*cos(x1))*x2
pfpx = jacobian(f,[x1, x2])
pfpw = jacobian(f,[a b c])
S = [x3 x5 x7; x4 x6 x8]
pfpx = subs(pfpx,[a,b,c],[1,0,1])
res = pfpx*S + pfpw
I want to solve the sensitivity equation in Matlab, I could type the function by Formula(1) on the RHS manually as,
function dxdt = dyneqn(t,x)
dxdt = zeros(8,1)
dxdt(1) = x(2);
dxdt(2) = -sin(x(1))-x(2);
dxdt(3) = x(4);
dxdt(4) = -x(3)*cos(x(1))-x(2)-x(4);
dxdt(5) = x(6);
dxdt(6) = -x(5)*cos(x(1))-x(6)-x(2)*cos(x(1));
dxdt(7) = x(8);
dxdt(8) = -cos(x(1))*x(7)-x(8)-sin(x(1));
If allowing user to input different f(1) and f(2) expressions, is there an efficient way to auto-generate ODE function ‘dyneqn’ as shown above based on ‘res’ (= pfpx*S + pfpw)? The difficult part is the state variables in ‘res’ are symbolic variables x1,…,x8, in order to express it in ‘dyneqn’, needs to be like x(1), x(2),…,x(8) on RHS of ODE, and one can not define symbolic variables like x(1),…,x(8) in Matlab. This problem is tricky and really appreciate in advance!
  2 件のコメント
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021 年 5 月 11 日
See matlabFunction() and odeFunction() . See in particular the workflow in the first example to odeFunction()
Hainan Wang
Hainan Wang 2021 年 6 月 12 日
Yes, thank you Mr. Roberson! You suggestion helps.


回答 (1 件)

Hainan Wang
Hainan Wang 2021 年 6 月 12 日
I work this out with odefunction. Guess I will answer this myself.
clear all
%% Part1.Define symbolic variables
nx = 2; % # of state variables
nu = 3; % # of model pars
nx_t = nx + nx*nu;
% 1.1 Define Variables as symfun
variableName = sprintfc('x%d(t)', 1:nx_t);
vars = str2sym(sprintfc('x%d(t)', 1:nx_t));
syms a b c
% vars =[x1(t),x2(t)] 1x2 sym
% x1 % 1x1 symfun
%1.2 Define Variables as sym
% syms a b c
% syms(sym('x%d', [1, nx_t]))
% vars = sym('x',[1 nx])
% % x1 % 1x1 sym
% vars = [x1, x2] 1x2 sym
%% Part2.Build sensitivity function
f(1,1) = x2;
f(2,1) = -c*sin(x1)-(a+b*cos(x1))*x2;
pfpx = Jacob_fun(f,nx);
% pfpx = jacobian(f,sym('x',[1, nx]))
pfpw = jacobian(f,[a b c]);
S = formula([x3 x5 x7; x4 x6 x8]);
pfpx = subs(pfpx,[a,b,c],[1,0,1]);
res = pfpx*S + pfpw;
f(2) = subs(f(2),[a,b,c],[1,0,1]);
for i = nx+1: nx_t % Be advised, size f change
f(i,1) = res(i-nx);
M = sym(diag(ones(1,4)));
odefun = odeFunction(f,vars);
initiConditions = [1 1 zeros(1,nx*nu)]';
%% Part3.Visualization
[t,z] = ode15s(odefun,[0 10],initiConditions)
plot(t,z(:,[3 5 7]))
plot(t,z(:,[4 6 8]))

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