How to put matrix into a table (App designer)

10 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Mena Abdaullah
Mena Abdaullah 2021 年 5 月 11 日
回答済み: Arthi Sathyamurthi 2021 年 7 月 29 日
Hello. I have a program that produces velocity vs time. The loop calculates the values of Vx and Vz. I tried to make this data into a table like shown in the picture but it didn't work. I only manged to put the time column but when i try to write: app.UITable.Data = [B vx(i)]. It says dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistant.

回答 (1 件)

Arthi Sathyamurthi
Arthi Sathyamurthi 2021 年 7 月 29 日
Hello Mena,
The error “dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent” is encountered when you try to concatenate arrays that do not have compatible sizes. From the image shared, I assume the variable ‘B’ is of size 10*1 and the variable ‘vx’ is of size 1*10. And, when you concatenate as [B vx(i)] the size of the the variable vx(i) is 1*1. Hence a size mismatch happens.
To solve this issue, after the ‘for’ loop you can create a multicolumn table and add the table values in the UI table. This can be done using the snippet below
fig = uifigure;
tdata = table(B',vx,'VariableNames',{'Time','VX'});
uit = uitable(fig,'Data',tdata);
Or else after the ‘for’ loop you can concatenate arrays as [B’ vx] or [t vx] and assign it to the ‘Data’ of UITable. This can be done using the snippet below
app.UITable.Data = [B' vx];
You can look at the following MathWorks documentation link to know how to design a table in App Designer


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