How to read a mraw file

72 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
lylia ighmouracene
lylia ighmouracene 2021 年 4 月 27 日
回答済み: Turbulence Analysis 2024 年 2 月 17 日
I have a video in .mraw and I would like to read it and exploit it but with the function I found, does not work because it is .cih and i have .cihx if someone could help me please
thank you in advance
  2 件のコメント
Mathilde Schneider
Mathilde Schneider 2021 年 7 月 1 日
編集済み: Mathilde Schneider 2021 年 7 月 1 日
Hi Lylia,
I'm facing the same issue, and using the readmraw doesn't seems to work. Have you managed to figure it out?
Phil Kreth
Phil Kreth 2021 年 8 月 31 日
Please see my reply below. I edited SEP's readmraw.m function to handle .cihx files (as well as corner cases for newer .cih files).



Shadaab Siddiqie
Shadaab Siddiqie 2021 年 4 月 30 日
From my understanding you want to read .mraw file. You can refer to the code bellow.
I=readmraw('Photron_mraw_example',[1 10]);
for n=1:1:10
imshow(I.Images.RawImages(:,:,n),[0 3000]);
Here readmraw function is from Photron MRAW File Reader.

その他の回答 (2 件)

Phil Kreth
Phil Kreth 2021 年 8 月 31 日
Hi everyone. I have edited the readmraw function that was written by "SEP" to handle either .cih or .cihx files. The originally function is posted on the FileExchange here -
Below is a copy of the new readmraw.m file that you can use.
function imgs = readmraw(filename, numImgs)
% readmraw.m
% READMRAW Read Photron MRAW files into MATLAB
% imgs = READMRAW('C:\Photron\Filename.mraw', [a,b]) loads images a
% through b from 'C:\Photron\Filename.mraw' into matrix imgs.
% Remarks
% -------
% This function must be handed the common *.cih(x) and *.mraw file name
% and the range of images to be loaded (MATLAB may not handle the entire
% image range for large files).
% NOTE: Both the *.cih(x) file and the *.mraw file are utilized
% Autor: SEP Creation Date: June 20,2013
% Editor: Phil Kreth Modification Date: Aug 31, 2021
% Examples
% --------
% % Load all images
% imgs = readmraw('C:\Photron\Moviefile.mraw', 0);
% % Load images 10 through 50
% imgs = readmraw('C:\Photron\Moviefile.mraw', [10,50]);
% % Load image 10
% imgs = readmraw('C:\Photron\Moviefile.mraw', 10);
fid1 = fopen(sprintf('%s.cih',filename(1:end-5)),'r');
if fid1 < 0
fid1 = fopen(sprintf('%s.cihx',filename(1:end-5)),'r');
cihx = true;
cihx = false;
fid2 = fopen(sprintf('%s',filename),'r');
if fid1 < 1 || fid2 < 1
error(['Could not locate .CIH or .CIHX header for file: ''' filename '''']);
if ~cihx % CIH FILE
% Read Header Information
Header = textscan(fid1,'%s','delimiter',':');
Header = Header{1};
color_ind = find(contains(Header, 'Color Type')) + 1;
if strcmp(cell2mat(Header(color_ind(1))), 'Color')
color = true;
color = false;
bit_ind = find(contains(Header, 'Color Bit')) + 1;
bits = str2double(cell2mat(Header(bit_ind(1))));
if color
bits = bits/3;
bit_depth = sprintf('ubit%d', bits);
frame_ind = find(contains(Header, 'Total Frame')) + 1;
Total_Frames = str2double(cell2mat(Header(frame_ind(1))));
width_ind = find(contains(Header, 'Image Width')) + 1;
Width = str2double(cell2mat(Header(width_ind(1))));
height_ind = find(contains(Header, 'Image Height')) + 1;
Height = str2double(cell2mat(Header(height_ind(1))));
% fps_ind = find(contains(Header, 'Record Rate(fps)')) + 1;
% fps = str2double(cell2mat(Header(fps_ind(1))));
else % CIHX FILE
% Read Header Information
Header = textscan(fid1,'%s','delimiter',{'<','>'});
Header = Header{1};
color_ind = find(contains(Header, 'type')) + 1;
if strcmp(cell2mat(Header(color_ind(1))), 'Color')
color = true;
color = false;
bit_ind = find(contains(Header, 'bit')) + 1;
bits = str2double(cell2mat(Header(bit_ind(1))));
if color
bits = bits/3;
bit_depth = sprintf('ubit%d', bits);
frame_ind = find(contains(Header, 'totalFrame')) + 1;
Total_Frames = str2double(cell2mat(Header(frame_ind(1))));
width_ind = find(contains(Header, 'width')) + 1;
Width = str2double(cell2mat(Header(width_ind(1))));
height_ind = find(contains(Header, 'height')) + 1;
Height = str2double(cell2mat(Header(height_ind(1))));
% fps_ind = find(contains(Header, 'recordRate')) + 1;
% fps = str2double(cell2mat(Header(fps_ind(1))));
Pixels = Width*Height;
% Define Image Range
if numImgs == 0 % load all the images
first_frame = 1;
frames = Total_Frames;
elseif length(numImgs) == 1 % load a single image
first_frame = numImgs;
frames = 1;
else % load a specified range of images
first_frame = numImgs(1,1);
last_frame = numImgs(1,2);
frames = last_frame-first_frame+1;
% Load Images
bytes_offset = (first_frame-1)*Pixels*bits/8;
if color
bytes_offset = bytes_offset*3;
fseek(fid2, bytes_offset, 'bof');
if bits > 8
data_fmt = 'uint16';
data_fmt = 'uint8';
if color
imgs = zeros(Pixels*3, frames, data_fmt);
for n = 1:frames
imgs(:,n) = fread(fid2, Pixels*3, bit_depth, 0, 'b');
imgs = [imgs(1:3:end,:); imgs(2:3:end,:); imgs(3:3:end,:)]; % separate color channels
imgs = reshape(imgs, [Width*Height 3 frames]); % reshape to separate color channels
N = [Width Height 3 frames];
imgs = permute(reshape(imgs, N), [2 1 3 4]); % standard reshape and permute
imgs = zeros(Pixels, frames, data_fmt);
for n = 1:frames
imgs(:,n) = fread(fid2, Pixels, bit_depth, 0, 'b');
N = [Width Height frames];
imgs = permute(reshape(imgs, N), [2 1 3]);
  3 件のコメント
Gabriele Pisetta
Gabriele Pisetta 2022 年 3 月 31 日
Amazing script! works flawlessly!
Jonny Cheng
Jonny Cheng 2023 年 5 月 31 日
Hello Phil,
Thanks for your contributions on the scripts.
I have modified the code to read the cih file for a Photron SA-Z color camera. However, for the same camera with cihx file. The image shows wired color and lower resolution. Could you check my code and tell what is wrong?
function imgs = readmrawcihx2(filename, numImgs)
% readmraw.m
% READMRAW Read Photron MRAW files into MATLAB
% imgs = READMRAW('C:\Photron\Filename.mraw', [a,b]) loads images a
% through b from 'C:\Photron\Filename.mraw' into matrix imgs.
% Remarks
% -------
% This function must be handed the common *.cih(x) and *.mraw file name
% and the range of images to be loaded (MATLAB may not handle the entire
% image range for large files).
% NOTE: Both the *.cih(x) file and the *.mraw file are utilized
% Autor: SEP Creation Date: June 20,2013
% Editor: Phil Kreth Modification Date: Aug 31, 2021
% Examples
% --------
% % Load all images
% imgs = readmraw('C:\Photron\Moviefile.mraw', 0);
% % Load images 10 through 50
% imgs = readmraw('C:\Photron\Moviefile.mraw', [10,50]);
% % Load image 10
% imgs = readmraw('C:\Photron\Moviefile.mraw', 10);
fid1 = fopen(sprintf('%s.cih',filename(1:end-4)),'r');
if fid1 < 0
fid1 = fopen(sprintf('%s.cihx',filename(1:end-5)),'r');
fid2 = fopen(sprintf('%s.mraw',filename(1:end-5)),'r');
cihx = true;
fid1 = fopen(sprintf('%s.cih',filename(1:end-4)),'r');
fid2 = fopen(sprintf('%s.mraw',filename(1:end-4)),'r');
cihx = false;
%fid2 = fopen(sprintf('%s.mraw',filename(1:end-5)),'r');
if fid1 < 1 && fid2 < 1
error(['Could not locate .CIH or .CIHX header for file: ''' filename '''']);
if ~cihx % CIH FILE
% Read Header Information
Header = textscan(fid1,'%s','delimiter',':');
Header = Header{1,1};
color_ind = find(contains(Header, 'Color Type')) + 1;
if strcmp(cell2mat(Header(color_ind(1))), 'Color')
color = true;
color = false;
bit_ind = find(contains(Header, 'Color Bit')) + 1;
bits = str2double(cell2mat(Header(bit_ind(1))));
if color
bits = bits/3;
bit_depth = sprintf('ubit%d', bits);
frame_ind = find(contains(Header, 'Total Frame')) + 1;
Total_Frames = str2double(cell2mat(Header(frame_ind(1))));
width_ind = find(contains(Header, 'Image Width')) + 1;
Width = str2double(cell2mat(Header(width_ind(1))));
height_ind = find(contains(Header, 'Image Height')) + 1;
Height = str2double(cell2mat(Header(height_ind(1))));
% fps_ind = find(contains(Header, 'Record Rate(fps)')) + 1;
% fps = str2double(cell2mat(Header(fps_ind(1))));
else % CIHX FILE
% Read Header Information
Header = textscan(fid1,'%s','delimiter',{'<','>'});
Header = Header{1};
color_ind = find(contains(Header, 'type')) + 1;
if strcmp(cell2mat(Header(color_ind(1))), 'RawBayer')
color = true;
color = false;
bit_ind = find(contains(Header, 'bit')) + 1;
bits = str2double(cell2mat(Header(bit_ind(1))));
if color
bits = bits/3;
bit_depth = sprintf('ubit%d', bits);
frame_ind = find(contains(Header, 'totalFrame')) + 1;
Total_Frames = str2double(cell2mat(Header(frame_ind(1))));
width_ind = find(contains(Header, 'width')) + 1;
Width = str2double(cell2mat(Header(width_ind(1))));
height_ind = find(contains(Header, 'height')) + 1;
Height = str2double(cell2mat(Header(height_ind(1))));
% fps_ind = find(contains(Header, 'recordRate')) + 1;
% fps = str2double(cell2mat(Header(fps_ind(1))));
Pixels = Width*Height;
% Define Image Range
if numImgs == 0 % load all the images
first_frame = 1;
frames = Total_Frames;
elseif length(numImgs) == 1 % load a single image
first_frame = numImgs;
frames = 1;
else % load a specified range of images
first_frame = numImgs(1,1);
last_frame = numImgs(1,2);
frames = last_frame-first_frame+1;
% Load Images
bytes_offset = (first_frame-1)*Pixels*bits/8;%
if color
bytes_offset = bytes_offset*3;
fseek(fid2, bytes_offset, 'bof');
if bits > 8
data_fmt = 'uint16';
data_fmt = 'uint8';
if color
imgs = zeros(Pixels*3, frames, data_fmt);
for n = 1:frames
imgs(:,n) = fread(fid2, Pixels*3, bit_depth, 0, 'b');
imgs = [imgs(1:3:end,:); imgs(2:3:end,:); imgs(3:3:end,:)]; % separate color channels
imgs = reshape(imgs, [Width*Height 3 frames]); % reshape to separate color channels
N = [Width Height 3 frames];
imgs = permute(reshape(imgs, N), [2 1 3 4]); % standard reshape and permute
imgs = zeros(Pixels, frames, data_fmt);
for n = 1:frames
imgs(:,n) = fread(fid2, Pixels, bit_depth, 0, 'b');
N = [Width Height frames];
imgs = permute(reshape(imgs, N), [2 1 3]);


Turbulence Analysis
Turbulence Analysis 2024 年 2 月 17 日
With this function, I am getting the below error
Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is 589824-by-1 and
the size of the right side is 17977-by-1.
Error in readmraw (line 126)
imgs(:,n) = fread(fid2, Pixels, bit_depth, 0, 'b');


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