Monte carlo simulation code
3 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Hey...I have to do monte carlo simulation on a set of data points...plz help me with the code for it...
1 件のコメント
Bharati Gawali
2016 年 2 月 21 日
編集済み: Bharati Gawali
2016 年 2 月 21 日
hi dear sir i detection of light sources in digital photographs pl help me same code in matlab
回答 (2 件)
Image Analyst
2013 年 6 月 30 日
Use the random number generator to make a bunch of random numbers and use those in a loop where, inside your loop, you do your experiment. For example, here is my Monte Carlo Simulation of the Monty Hall Problem:
% Monty Hall Problem demonstrated via the Monte Carlo technique
% Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors:
% Behind one door is a new car; behind the others, goats.
% You pick a door, say Door #1, but the door is not opened yet.
% Then the host, who knows what's behind the doors,
% opens another door, say Door #3, which reveals a goat.
% He then asks you, "Do you want to change your selection?",
% in other words, change your selection from Door #1 to Door #2.
% Is it to your advantage to switch your choice?
% Most people would say it does not improve you odds of winning
% if you switch doors, since there is a 1/3 probability that
% a particular door hides the car, no matter which door it is.
% The correct answer is yes, it would be to your advantage to switch.
% Initially you have a 33% chance of picking the correct door.
% That means there is a 67% chance the "winning" door is
% one of the doors that you didn't pick. No matter how many other doors
% the host reveals, there is still a 67% chance the winning door is
% one of the doors you didn't pick. In the case of 3 doors,
% you didn't pick two of them and when the host opened one of the two
% "other" doors, that left one "other" door and that door
% still has a 67% probability of being the winning door.
% Look at it another way, by using extremes.
% Let's say there are a million doors and you pick one.
% Your chance of picking the car are 1 in a million,
% and there is a 999,999 in a million chance that the winner is
% one of the other 999,999 doors. Now the host, knowing which
% doors have goats reveals 999,998 "goat" doors, leaving only one
% other door closed. Did your chance of picking the correct door
% suddenly increase way up to 50%? No, of course not -
% you still have a 1 in a million chance with your original choise of door.
% But there's a 999,999 in a million chance that the car is behind
% that one, single, other door, so you should switch.
% This simulation creates 15,000 experiments. At each experiment
% the winning door is picked at random and the contestant's door
% is chosen at random. You can specify whether to switch or not.
% To be more general, you can specify how many doors are there,
% and how many doors to reveal. The Monte Carlo experiments are run
% and the final percentage is given, along with the theoretical probability.
numberOfExperiments = 15000;
% Specify whether each experiment should be printed out to the command window.
showEachExperiment = true;
% Ask user for the number of doors.
defaultValue = 3;
titleBar = 'Enter an integer';
userPrompt = 'Enter the number of doors the contestant can choose from';
caUserInput = inputdlg(userPrompt, userPrompt, 1, {num2str(defaultValue)});
if isempty(caUserInput),return,end; % Bail out if they clicked Cancel.
numberOfDoors = round(str2num(cell2mat(caUserInput)));
% Check for a valid integer.
if isnan(numberOfDoors)
% They didn't enter a number.
% They clicked Cancel, or entered a character, symbols, or something else not allowed.
numberOfDoors = defaultValue;
message = sprintf('I said it had to be an integer.\nI will use %d and continue.', numberOfDoors);
% Ask user for the number of doors to reveal, only applicable if there are more than 3 doors.
if numberOfDoors > 3
defaultValue = numberOfDoors - 2;
titleBar = 'Enter an integer';
userPrompt = sprintf('Enter the number of doors to reveal\nfrom 1 up to %d', defaultValue);
caUserInput = inputdlg(userPrompt, userPrompt, 1, {num2str(defaultValue)});
if isempty(caUserInput),return,end; % Bail out if they clicked Cancel.
numberOfDoorsToReveal = round(str2num(cell2mat(caUserInput)));
% Check for a valid integer.
if isnan(numberOfDoorsToReveal)
% They didn't enter a number.
% They clicked Cancel, or entered a character, symbols, or something else not allowed.
numberOfDoorsToReveal = defaultValue;
message = sprintf('I said it had to be an integer.\nI will use %d and continue.', numberOfDoorsToReveal);
% Make sure they didn't enter a number larger than numberOfDoors - 2
% or all you'd have left is their chosen door.
numberOfDoorsToReveal = min([numberOfDoors - 2, numberOfDoorsToReveal]);
% With 3 doors, you have to reveal 1. Nothing else makes sense.
numberOfDoorsToReveal = 1;
% Ask if the user wants to switch doors after Monty reveals non-winning doors.
message = sprintf('Do you want to switch doors after Monty reveals non-winning doors');
button = questdlg(message, 'Switch?', 'Yes', 'No', 'Yes');
drawnow; % Refresh screen to get rid of dialog box remnants.
if strcmpi(button, 'Yes')
contestantSwitches = true;
contestantSwitches = false;
numberOfWins = 0;
% For each experiment, pick a random door for the prize to be behind.
prizeDoorList = randi(numberOfDoors, [1, numberOfExperiments]);
% For each experiment, pick a random door that the contestant chooses.
pickedDoorList = randi(numberOfDoors, [1, numberOfExperiments]);
% Now run the Monte Carlo experiments.
for experiment = 1 : numberOfExperiments
% Get the door that has the prize for this experiment.
prizeDoor = prizeDoorList(experiment);
% Get the door that the contestant chose for this experiment.
pickedDoor = pickedDoorList(experiment);
% Note: the PickedDoor may be the same or different than prizeDoor.
if showEachExperiment
fprintf('Experiment #%d. Prize Door = %d, Picked Door = %d. ', experiment, prizeDoor, pickedDoor);
% Figure out which door(s) to reveal.
% First get a list of all the doors.
otherDoors = 1:numberOfDoors;
% The other doors which can be revealed will not include
% the door the contestant picked or the prize door
otherDoors(pickedDoor) = nan; % Use nan rather than [] so the length won't change.
otherDoors(prizeDoor) = nan;
% Now removal all elements flagged as a nan (flagged for removal).
otherDoors(isnan(otherDoors)) = [];
% Now we have a list of empty doors that can be revealed.
% Specify how many to open and reveal the contents.
% For example we have 12 doors total, but one contains the prize
% and we need to keep at least 1 still hidden (other than the chosen door).
% So if we had 12 doors, any number from 1 up to 10 doors can be revealed.
% Select that number of doors to reveal
r = randperm(length(otherDoors));
% Reveal the doors, removing them from the list of "still hidden" doors.
otherDoors(r(1:numberOfDoorsToReveal)) = [];
% At this point otherDoors is a list of doors that have not been revealed
% but not including the prize door or the door that the contestant picked.
% Now we need to add in the prize door as a door they can switch to,
% unless they're already on that door.
% Now create a list of possible doors that the contestant can switch to if they want.
doorsThatCanBeSwitchedTo = unique([prizeDoor pickedDoor otherDoors]);
% Make sure they can't switch to a door that they're already on
% because that actually wouldn't even be a switch.
theirDoorLocation = find(doorsThatCanBeSwitchedTo == pickedDoor);
doorsThatCanBeSwitchedTo(theirDoorLocation) = []; % Eliminate their door.
% Now decide if the contestant switches or not.
if contestantSwitches
% If they elect to switch, pick a door at random
% from those than can be switched to
pickedDoorIndex = randi(length(doorsThatCanBeSwitchedTo), 1);
pickedDoor = doorsThatCanBeSwitchedTo(pickedDoorIndex);
if showEachExperiment
fprintf(' But Switched to Picked Door = %d.', pickedDoor);
% Now see if they won (picked the prize door).
if pickedDoor == prizeDoor
numberOfWins = numberOfWins + 1;
if showEachExperiment
fprintf(' Win #%d', numberOfWins);
if showEachExperiment
fprintf('Actual Number of Wins = %d = %.2f%%\n', numberOfWins, 100*numberOfWins/numberOfExperiments);
if contestantSwitches
fprintf('Predicted win percentage = %.2f%%\n', ...
100*(numberOfDoors - 1) / (numberOfDoors * (numberOfDoors - numberOfDoorsToReveal - 1)));
fprintf('Predicted win percentage = %.2f%%\n', 100*(1)/numberOfDoors);
0 件のコメント
Shashank Prasanna
2013 年 6 月 30 日
Can you be more specific on the type of problem you are trying to solve? If you are interested in bootstraping then you can start here:
2 件のコメント
Shashank Prasanna
2013 年 7 月 2 日
編集済み: Shashank Prasanna
2013 年 7 月 2 日
1) You can use polyfit to fit a polynomial.
2) Use polyval to evaluate the polyfit for the same input data to get the fitted polynomial data:
Subtract the two vectors to get the errors or fluctuations.
3) I hope you know what kind of distributions you want to model it with. If you want something other than normal distribution you will need the statistics toolbox:
for normal distribution,
m = mean(errors), s = std(errors);
4) sample from the random distribution:
if normal then use
sample = m + s*randn(npoints); % number of points you want to sample.
If not normal then use the above link to use the appropriate XXXrnd function.
5) take each random sample and do your analysis and do step 4 again several times (this part is called monte carlo simulation, randomly drawing samples and doing something analysis with it.)
I hope this gives you a direction to work towards.
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