how to solve matrix equation?
2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
I want to solve a equation which has vector known elements and obvisouly the answer should be vector too.
x1=sym('x1',[121 1]);
x2=sym('x2',[121 1]);
but I think I didn't write the right code coz it's been a long time that is busy and there is no answer yet. I really need your help.
0 件のコメント
Walter Roberson
2021 年 4 月 22 日
x2 = n1-x1
x1*(n1-x1) = n2
x1*n1-x1^2 = n2
x1^2 - x1*n1 + n2 = 0
and solve the quadratic to get x1 and then x2. There will be two solutions
Do this just for scalars to get the forms of the solutions. Then substitute in the vectors.
4 件のコメント
Walter Roberson
2021 年 4 月 24 日
format long g
A = rand(42,2);
Ainv = pinv(A);
Ainv * A
It isn't clear what you mean when you say that you want A * Ainv = 1 for a non-square matrix. Do you mean a matrix with all ones? Do you mean a non-square matrix in which the main diagonal is 1 and the rest is 0? What size do you expect A*Ainv to be?
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