
How do I automate breakdown of an array into smaller arrays?

3 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Dylan Barber
Dylan Barber 2021 年 4 月 18 日
編集済み: Dylan Barber 2021 年 4 月 21 日
Hi everyone,
I have a number of nx3 arrays where n changes from data set to data set. I would like to take each data set (for example, randomly generated array 'r1' below, with 23 rows) and turn it into n-3 arrays, each with 4 rows (i.e. r1(1:4,:), r2(2:5,:),..., r3(20:23,:), and write each as a separate text file. I am stuck on the step of creating the n-3 (in this case 20, but again, n varies so I can't just assign a specific number of new arrays across all of my data sets) new arrays. When I run the following for loop:
>> for k=1:(size(r1,1)-3)
it outputs each of the arrays I want, but each time with the name 'v' so that when I export with writematrix(v), I can only export the last array output by the for loop (and the other 22 are lost). I would really rather avoid copy/pasting each 4x3 array into separate text files because I have a lot of data and it would take a long time. I also acknowledge that it's preferable to use efficient indexing over creation of dynamic variables as explained here https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/304528-tutorial-why-variables-should-not-be-named-dynamically-eval?s_tid=srchtitle. I'll keep working my way through the documentation but at this point I would welcome any guidance/syntax/functions/operations. Thanks! Also, example data set below:
>> rng('default')
>> r1=rand(23,3)
r1 =
0.8147 0.9340 0.4456
0.9058 0.6787 0.6463
0.1270 0.7577 0.7094
0.9134 0.7431 0.7547
0.6324 0.3922 0.2760
0.0975 0.6555 0.6797
0.2785 0.1712 0.6551
0.5469 0.7060 0.1626
0.9575 0.0318 0.1190
0.9649 0.2769 0.4984
0.1576 0.0462 0.9597
0.9706 0.0971 0.3404
0.9572 0.8235 0.5853
0.4854 0.6948 0.2238
0.8003 0.3171 0.7513
0.1419 0.9502 0.2551
0.4218 0.0344 0.5060
0.9157 0.4387 0.6991
0.7922 0.3816 0.8909
0.9595 0.7655 0.9593
0.6557 0.7952 0.5472
0.0357 0.1869 0.1386
0.8491 0.4898 0.1493
  4 件のコメント
Stephen23 2021 年 4 月 18 日
Dylan Barber
Dylan Barber 2021 年 4 月 18 日
Oh man. This is exactly what I needed. Thanks very much!



David Fletcher
David Fletcher 2021 年 4 月 18 日
編集済み: David Fletcher 2021 年 4 月 18 日
for k=1:(size(r1,1)-3)
All 4x3 matrices will be held in v indexable by the third dimension of v

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