Helical trajectory generation using frenet frame

5 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Drishya Dinesh
Drishya Dinesh 2021 年 4 月 8 日
回答済み: Vaibhav 2024 年 5 月 28 日
How to generate a helical trajectory using frenet frame? Position vector given as [x y z]^T=[[500sin(0.01t) 500cos(0.01t) −2t−20000]^T initial position is ζ (0) = [−300 0 −19800]^T initial line velocity is υ(0) =[5 0 0]^T, the initial attitude is γ (0) = [0, 0, 0]^T How to convert this data to frenet frame and find attitude coordinates and then plot a helical trajectory

回答 (1 件)

Vaibhav 2024 年 5 月 28 日
Hi Dhishya
To generate the helical trajector using frenet frame. We first define the helical trajectory using the given position vector. Then, we calculate the velocity and acceleration to derive the Frenet frame vectors (Tangent, Normal, Binormal). Finally, we can plot the trajectory and the Frenet frame vectors for visualization.
Here is the code for your reference:
% Define the trajectory
t = linspace(0, 20000, 10000);
x = 500*sin(0.01*t);
y = 500*cos(0.01*t);
z = -2*t - 20000;
% Calculate derivatives for velocity and acceleration
dx = gradient(x, t);
dy = gradient(y, t);
dz = gradient(z, t);
ddx = gradient(dx, t);
ddy = gradient(dy, t);
ddz = gradient(dz, t);
% Calculate Frenet frame vectors
T = [dx; dy; dz];
T_norm = sqrt(dx.^2 + dy.^2 + dz.^2);
T_unit = T ./ T_norm;
dTx = gradient(T(1,:), t);
dTy = gradient(T(2,:), t);
dTz = gradient(T(3,:), t);
N = [dTx; dTy; dTz];
N_norm = sqrt(dTx.^2 + dTy.^2 + dTz.^2);
N_unit = N ./ N_norm;
B = cross(T, N);
B_norm = sqrt(B(1,:).^2 + B(2,:).^2 + B(3,:).^2);
B_unit = B ./ B_norm;
% Plot the trajectory and Frenet frame vectors
plot3(x, y, z, 'LineWidth', 2);
hold on;
quiver3(x(1:100:end), y(1:100:end), z(1:100:end), T_unit(1,1:100:end), T_unit(2,1:100:end), T_unit(3,1:100:end), 'r');
quiver3(x(1:100:end), y(1:100:end), z(1:100:end), N_unit(1,1:100:end), N_unit(2,1:100:end), N_unit(3,1:100:end), 'g');
quiver3(x(1:100:end), y(1:100:end), z(1:100:end), B_unit(1,1:100:end), B_unit(2,1:100:end), B_unit(3,1:100:end), 'b');
title('Helical Trajectory with Frenet Frame');
legend('Trajectory', 'Tangent', 'Normal', 'Binormal');
grid on;
axis equal;
Hope it helps!


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