try/catch with timeout
43 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
I have an instruction block with communication to external components, enclosed in try/catch. However, instead of throwing an exceptionand skipping to the "catch" part, the execution simply stalls under certain conditions. Is there any way top realize something like
try (max execution time x seconds)
instructions with possible stall
catch ME
will be executed either if instructions within try throw an exception or their execution takes more than x s
1 件のコメント
2021 年 3 月 18 日
As far as I'm aware, this is only possible by spawning a new process, which then needs to signal to the main process that it is done by writing a file or something similar.
回答 (1 件)
Harsh Mahalwar
2024 年 3 月 5 日
編集済み: Harsh Mahalwar
2024 年 3 月 5 日
Hi Lionel,
As there are several parts to this question, I will be solving it iteratively.
- Running an external application/component from MATLAB.
This can be achieved by using the start command along with the “system” function in MATLAB.
2. Waiting x seconds for the application’s process to end.
This can be achieved by using timeout or PING commands along with “system” function in MATLAB.
Here's a workaround which uses "system" function of MATLAB along with start and ping commands in Windows to achieve the same:
line1 = convertCharsToStrings('start "" "C:\Users\harsh\Desktop\Demo.txt"');
line2 = "PING -n 6>nul";
line3 = convertCharsToStrings('taskkill /F /FI "WindowTitle eq Demo - Notepad" /T >> "logs.txt"');
% opens the demo.txt file
% timeout of 5 seconds
% tries to kill the process and creates logs.txt with it's output.
% Read the log.txt
output = readlines("logs.txt");
logOutput = convertStringsToChars(output(1, 1));
% If the first 7 characters are eq to 'Success' that would mean that
% our script had to terminate the process.
if logOutput(1:7) ~= 'SUCCESS'
disp("Process was closed on time!");
error("Process Terminated!");
catch exception
disp(['Error: ' exception.message]);
(Note that this workaround is valid for Windows only)
You can learn more about “system” function in MATLAB using the following documentation:
I hope this helps, thanks!
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