How to handle a database connection (mysql) in loops (for and parfor)?

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Léon 2013 年 6 月 1 日
コメント済み: TIANTIANBABA 2021 年 1 月 17 日
I already got a working code that does exactly this (see below). But I have to big problem that it is too slow. So I want to use that in parfor to speed it up and would be happy if you can give me hint of how to write the code using for parfor, many thanks.
%%"for-loop" version
db = 'my_database';
user = 'matlab';
password = '1234';
host = '100.200.300.4';
conn = database(db, user, password,'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver',['jdbc:mysql://' host ':3306/' db]);
for i = 1:1000
SQL = ['SELECT * FROM `my_table`;'];
e = exec(conn,SQL);
e = fetch(e);
data = e.Data;
  2 件のコメント
Taufik Sutanto
Taufik Sutanto 2013 年 10 月 13 日
I have been trying to do this too ... However, it seems that the JDBC driver is not supporting the parallel process.
TIANTIANBABA 2021 年 1 月 17 日
Did you find an anseer yet? It seems to me that exec and fetch can not work inside a parfor-loop.


回答 (1 件)

Léon 2013 年 6 月 5 日
No one got an idea? :-(


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