Index value intersection query in matlab

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Ramesh Bala
Ramesh Bala 2021 年 3 月 16 日
コメント済み: Ramesh Bala 2021 年 3 月 16 日
I'm trying to calculate the intersection value of x,y from a matrix.
The loop seems correct but the values that I get seems wrong,when I try to run it alone it gives me right values ?
Lets assume a be some double with 32 points and b too same 32 points ,I'm trying to intersect both in rms(279x249 double)
This below one works but when I try to put the same in loop it doesn't why ?
ex (1,:) = rms(b(1),a(1));
ex (2,:) = rms(b(2),a(2));
a = round (x);
b = round (y);
for k = 1:length(a)
for l = 1:length(b)
index (k,:) = rms(b(l),a(k));
index = index';


KSSV 2021 年 3 月 16 日
a = round (x);
b = round (y);
for k = 1:length(a)
index (k,:) = rms(b(k),a(k));
index = index';
  1 件のコメント
Ramesh Bala
Ramesh Bala 2021 年 3 月 16 日
Yes I've figured it out,but thank you for quick answer KSSV.


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