I am currently facing an issue with the chirp function in Matlab. It works correctly for certain parameters, however I am not getting the expected chirp for another set of parameters. I have compared the result with exponential function as well, but getting the same problem.
fc = 77e9;
BW = 1500e6;
Sp_T = 204.8e-6;
fs = 2.*BW;
ts = real(1./fs);
t = 0:ts:Sp_T-ts;
Swp_S = BW./Sp_T;
Sig1 = chirp(t,fc,t(end),fc+BW,'complex');
Sig2 = 1.*exp(1i.*(2.*pi.*(fc.*t+0.5.*Swp_S.*t.^2)));
[S,F,~,~] = spectrogram(Sig1,64,32,128,fs,'yaxis');subplot(212);imagesc(t*1e6,F*1e-9,abs(S));set(gca,'YDir','normal')
Both the signals Sig1 and Sig2 gave the similar result attached below:
The shift in frequency is also visible in the time domain plot.
However, as soon as the bandwidth is changed to 1000e6 or 2000e6 (keeping all the other parameters same), the chirp becomes linear.
Furthermore, how is it identified where to start the spectrogram plot? In both the cases, the start frequency is same, I just changed the bandwidth. But on the spectrogram plot, both the signals start with a different frequency.