How can I use loop to produce multiple graphs?
1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Hello guys! I have a simple problem but I cannot seem to be able to solve it.
I want to produce 11 graphs within a loop, based on the distinction of my Daily Data according to year (11 years 2006-2016, 11 graphs). Here is what I have done so far, which it doesn't work though:
DTindex = datenum(Daily_Data.year);
lim = min(DTindex);
Hindd = DTindex - lim +1;
YEAR = accumarray(Hindd, datenum(Daily_Data.year), [], @mean );
Deaths_allyears = accumarray(Hindd, Daily_Data.Daily_Deaths, [], @sum );
for YEAR=1:11
DTindex = datenum(Daily_Data.month); %Daily_Data.month should focus on each year separately within every loop
lim = min(DTindex);
Hindd = DTindex - lim +1;
MONTH = accumarray(Hindd, datenum(Daily_Data.month), [], @mean );%MONTH should focus on each year separately within every loop
Deaths_permonth = accumarray(Hindd, Daily_Data.Daily_Deaths, [], @sum ); %Deaths_permonth should focus on each year separately within every loop
m = (1:12).';
Monthly_Temp = accumarray(Hindd, Daily_Data.Daily_T, [], @nanmean );%Monthly_Temp should focus on each year separately within every loop
yyaxis left
xlabel('Month'); xlim([1 12]); xticks([1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]);
ylabel('Monthly Deaths')
yyaxis right
ylabel('Temperature (oC)');
grid on;
title({'City-specific distribution of deaths by month and temperature', YEAR});
Hopefully I want to produce 1 graph for each year (like the attached, which is accummulative for all years).
I would really appreciate your help.
PS. I'm on R2019a.
0 件のコメント
Mathieu NOE
2021 年 2 月 25 日
hello Daphne
I modified a bit your code - see the comments
only issue for me in line :
Monthly_Temp = accumarray(Hindd_ck, Daily_Data_this_year.Daily_T, [], @nanmean );
i could not make this work with "nanmean" so I changed to regular "mean"
hope it helps
Daily_Data = readtable('Daily_Data_Thessaloniki.xlsx');
DTindex = datenum(Daily_Data.year);
lim = min(DTindex);
Hindd = DTindex - lim +1;
YEAR = accumarray(Hindd, datenum(Daily_Data.year), [], @mean );
Deaths_allyears = accumarray(Hindd, Daily_Data.Daily_Deaths, [], @sum );
for ck=1:numel(YEAR)
ind = find(Hindd == ck); % this will give which rows to select in Daily_Data table for the "ck" year
Daily_Data_this_year = Daily_Data(ind,:); % extracted table for one (ck) single year
DTindex = datenum(Daily_Data_this_year.month); %Daily_Data.month should focus on each year separately within every loop
lim_ck = min(DTindex); % changed name to make sure not to overwritte a variable used before the for loop
Hindd_ck = DTindex - lim_ck +1; % changed name to make sure not to overwritte a variable used before the for loop
MONTH = accumarray(Hindd_ck, datenum(Daily_Data_this_year.month), [], @mean );%MONTH should focus on each year separately within every loop
Deaths_permonth = accumarray(Hindd_ck, Daily_Data_this_year.Daily_Deaths, [], @sum ); %Deaths_permonth should focus on each year separately within every loop
m = (1:12).';
% Monthly_Temp = accumarray(Hindd_ck, Daily_Data_this_year.Daily_T, [], @nanmean );%Monthly_Temp should focus on each year separately within every loop
Monthly_Temp = accumarray(Hindd_ck, Daily_Data_this_year.Daily_T, [], @mean );%Monthly_Temp should focus on each year separately within every loop
yyaxis left
xlabel('Month'); xlim([1 12]); xticks([1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]);
ylabel('Monthly Deaths')
yyaxis right
ylabel('Temperature (oC)');
grid on;
title({'City-specific distribution of deaths by month and temperature', YEAR(ck)});
4 件のコメント
その他の回答 (1 件)
Bob Thompson
2021 年 2 月 25 日
If you want individual graphs, add the following inside the loop, before the yyaxis command:
yyaxis left
If you want all of the plots on the same graph, put a 'hold on' command either inside or before the loop that generates the plots.
If you want all of the plots in the same figure, but different subplots, then use the subplots command, and indexing to select the appropriate pane.
0 件のコメント
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