How can i organize the images in my code?
3 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Hi, I just wrote a code for the recognition of handwritten digits but I have encountered one problem. In my code i want to show images and diagrams right below the corrispondent section of the code. For instance i decided to use a for loop in order to show all the different ten digits, but when i run the code the images go to the end of the whole code, how can i solve this problem? If it can help I'll share the code, let me know if the same thing happen to you as well. The dataset can be found here
Y_tra = load('optdigits.tra'); %carico il training set
Y_tes = load('optdigits.tes'); %carico il test set
features = 1:64;
Nfeatures = length(features);
N = size(Y_tra,1);
X = Y_tra(:,features);
Y_class = Y_tra(:,65); %indica le classi nel training set
class_labels = categorical(unique(Y_class)); %vediamo quante classi ci sono e le trasformiamo in dato categorical
Ncl = length(class_labels);
Y_class_ones = zeros(Ncl,N); %per usare alcune funzioni bisogna esprimere i dati come matrici, con 1 in corrispondenza della classe (righe) per ogni item (colonne)
for c=1:Ncl
figure %utilizzo un ciclo for nel test set per mostrare le 10 cifre
for i=1:10
axis square;
caption = sprintf('#%d', i-1);
trainRatio = 0.5; %metà per il training effettivo
valRatio=0.25; %un quarto per validation
testRatio=0.25; %un quarto per il writer depending testing, ossia il test set
[trainInd,valInd,testInd] = dividerand(N,trainRatio,valRatio,testRatio);
Ytra = Y_tra(trainInd,:); %traing set
Ytra_class = Y_class(trainInd);
Ntr = size(Ytra,1);
Yts = Y_tra(testInd,:); %test set
Yts_class = Y_class(testInd);
Nts = size(Yts,1);
Ytr_class_ones = Y_class_ones(:,trainInd);
Yts_class_ones = Y_class_ones(:,testInd);
[U,Xpc,S] = pca(Ytra);
figure('Position', [0 0 600 600]);
line(Xpc(:,1),Xpc(:,2),Xpc(:,3), 'linestyle', 'none', 'marker', '.');
xlabel('PC 1');
ylabel('PC 2');
zlabel('PC 3');
box off;
hold on
D = size(Ytra,2);
figure('position', [0 0 600 200]);
xlabel('# components');
ylabel('% var');
title('Pareto Diagram');
box off
classtype = "naivebayes"
nt = 1;
px_C = [];
auc = zeros(length(classtype),Ncl);
for type = classtype
switch type
case 'naivebayes'
Mdl = fitcnb(Ytra,Ytra_class,'DistributionNames',"mn");
[label,Posterior] = predict(Mdl,Yts);
Yts_pred = Posterior';
case 'mln'
Nhid = 5;
net = patternnet(Nhid);
net_tr = train(net, Ytra', Ytr_class_ones);
net_ts = train(net, Yts', Yts_class_ones);
Yts_pred = net_tr(Yts');
Ytr_pred = net_tr(Ytra');
plotconfusion(Yts_class_ones, Yts_pred);
set(gcf,'Position',[0 0 500 500], "color", 'w'); %test set
%plotconfusion(Ytr_class_ones, Ytr_pred);
%set(gcf,'Position',[0 0 500 500], "color", 'w'); %training set
0 件のコメント
回答 (1 件)
Sourabh Kondapaka
2021 年 2 月 8 日
編集済み: Sourabh Kondapaka
2021 年 2 月 8 日
Looks like Matlab Live Script can help with what you want to achieve. Please check the following Documentation link
2 件のコメント
Sourabh Kondapaka
2021 年 2 月 17 日
Is it because all of the above code is in 1 section ?
Check for the "Section" group, click on "Section Break".
You need to move the code where you want to display images into a seperate section so that, that particular section has its own output.
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