
Need help making function = 0 after certain time period

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Mackenzie Weeks
Mackenzie Weeks 2021 年 2 月 3 日
コメント済み: Mackenzie Weeks 2021 年 2 月 3 日
Hi! My simulation time for this problem is 15050 seconds. I need my qi function to only run from 0,9000 seconds and then go to zero from 9000,15050. I've tried messing around with for and while loops but cant seem to get it to work. Any advice?
clc;close all
%Project to simulate the performance of the reservoir as a sedimentation
simtime = 15050; %seconds
n = 500; %number of time steps
dt = simtime/(n); %time step
t = linspace (0,15050,n); %time
while t > 9000;
qi = 0
d = 3; %orifice diameter in ft
alpha = 0.7 ; %inflow concentration coefficient
beta = 0.64 ; %inflow concentration coefficient
r = 9.5*10^-4 ; %rate of sediment deposition
density = 102 ; %lb/ft^3 sediment density
g = 32.2; %gravity acceleration
cd = .65 ; %discharge coefficient
a = pi*(d.^2)/4; %cross sectional AREA of pipe
AREA = 600*600 ; %floor area of storage
%% set up arrays
%Initial conditions
simSize = size(t);
qi = zeros(simSize);
ci = zeros(simSize);
qo = zeros(simSize);
c = zeros(simSize);
s = zeros(simSize);
cs = zeros(simSize);
h = zeros(simSize);
m = zeros(simSize);
%Time loop
for k=2: length(t)
newTime = t(k); %Get the new time
qiNew = dischargeIn(newTime); %Get the new fluid inflow
qi(k) = qiNew; %Insert new fluid inflow into inflow
ciNew= flowConcentration(alpha,beta,qiNew); %Concentration in flow
ci(k) = ciNew; %Insert new concentration inflow array
hOld = h(k-1); %get old height
qoNew = dischargeOut(cd,g,a,hOld); %use old height to calc outflow
qo(k) = qoNew; %insert into array
qiOld = qi(k-1);
ds = storageStep(dt,qiOld,qiNew,qoNew); %calc change in storage
sOld = s(k-1); %Get old storage volume
sNew = sOld + ds; % Get new storage volume
s(k) = sNew; % Store new volume
hNew = sNew/AREA; %Get new height
h(k) = hNew; %store new height
csOld = cs(k-1);
ciOld = ci(k-1);
cOld = c(k-1);
qoOld = qo(k-1);
csNew = CSTR(cOld,ciOld,csOld,qiOld,qoOld,dt,r); %calcuate new cs
cs(k) = csNew; %store
cNew = concentration(csNew,sNew);
c(k) = cNew;
dm = ciNew * ds;
m(k) = m(k-1) + dm;
mi = trapz(t,qi);
MassIn = sum(mi);
mo = trapz(t,qo);
MassOut = sum(mo);
rcs = r*cs;
rm = trapz(t,rcs);
ResidedMass = sum(rm);
TotalMass = MassIn - MassOut - ResidedMass;
%% functions
function ds = storageStep(dt,qiOld,qiNew,qo)
avg = (qiOld + qiNew)/2;
ds = (avg - qo) * dt;
function qo = dischargeOut(cd,g,a,h)
qo = cd*a*sqrt(2*g)*h^.5;
function qi = dischargeIn(t)
qi = 750 / pi * (1 - cos ( pi * t /4500 )) ;
function ci = flowConcentration (alpha,beta,qi)
ci = alpha * qi^beta;
function c = concentration(cs,s)
c = cs/s;
function csnew =CSTR(c,ci,cs,qi,qo,dt,r)
csnew = cs + ((ci*qi)- (c*qo)-(r*cs))*dt;


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021 年 2 月 3 日
clc;close all
%Project to simulate the performance of the reservoir as a sedimentation
simtime = 15050; %seconds
n = 500; %number of time steps
dt = simtime/(n); %time step
t = linspace (0,15050,n); %time
d = 3; %orifice diameter in ft
alpha = 0.7 ; %inflow concentration coefficient
beta = 0.64 ; %inflow concentration coefficient
r = 9.5*10^-4 ; %rate of sediment deposition
density = 102 ; %lb/ft^3 sediment density
g = 32.2; %gravity acceleration
cd = .65 ; %discharge coefficient
a = pi*(d.^2)/4; %cross sectional AREA of pipe
AREA = 600*600 ; %floor area of storage
%% set up arrays
%Initial conditions
simSize = size(t);
qi = zeros(simSize);
ci = zeros(simSize);
qo = zeros(simSize);
c = zeros(simSize);
s = zeros(simSize);
cs = zeros(simSize);
h = zeros(simSize);
m = zeros(simSize);
%Time loop
for k=2: length(t)
newTime = t(k); %Get the new time
qiNew = dischargeIn(newTime); %Get the new fluid inflow
if newTime > 9000
qi(k) = 0;
qi(k) = qiNew; %Insert new fluid inflow into inflow
ciNew= flowConcentration(alpha,beta,qiNew); %Concentration in flow
ci(k) = ciNew; %Insert new concentration inflow array
hOld = h(k-1); %get old height
qoNew = dischargeOut(cd,g,a,hOld); %use old height to calc outflow
qo(k) = qoNew; %insert into array
qiOld = qi(k-1);
ds = storageStep(dt,qiOld,qiNew,qoNew); %calc change in storage
sOld = s(k-1); %Get old storage volume
sNew = sOld + ds; % Get new storage volume
s(k) = sNew; % Store new volume
hNew = sNew/AREA; %Get new height
h(k) = hNew; %store new height
csOld = cs(k-1);
ciOld = ci(k-1);
cOld = c(k-1);
qoOld = qo(k-1);
csNew = CSTR(cOld,ciOld,csOld,qiOld,qoOld,dt,r); %calcuate new cs
cs(k) = csNew; %store
cNew = concentration(csNew,sNew);
c(k) = cNew;
dm = ciNew * ds;
m(k) = m(k-1) + dm;
mi = trapz(t,qi);
MassIn = sum(mi);
mo = trapz(t,qo);
MassOut = sum(mo);
rcs = r*cs;
rm = trapz(t,rcs);
ResidedMass = sum(rm);
TotalMass = MassIn - MassOut - ResidedMass;
%% functions
function ds = storageStep(dt,qiOld,qiNew,qo)
avg = (qiOld + qiNew)/2;
ds = (avg - qo) * dt;
function qo = dischargeOut(cd,g,a,h)
qo = cd*a*sqrt(2*g)*h^.5;
function qi = dischargeIn(t)
qi = 750 / pi * (1 - cos ( pi * t /4500 )) ;
function ci = flowConcentration (alpha,beta,qi)
ci = alpha * qi^beta;
function c = concentration(cs,s)
c = cs/s;
function csnew =CSTR(c,ci,cs,qi,qo,dt,r)
csnew = cs + ((ci*qi)- (c*qo)-(r*cs))*dt;
  3 件のコメント
Mackenzie Weeks
Mackenzie Weeks 2021 年 2 月 3 日
you're right i dont! qinew should also become zero
Mackenzie Weeks
Mackenzie Weeks 2021 年 2 月 3 日
thanks a ton!


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