
Separate strokes from a gesture

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Shweta Saboo
Shweta Saboo 2021 年 1 月 7 日
回答済み: Pratyush 2024 年 2 月 14 日
I have to separate individual strokes from a gesture like curved line and straight line from numeral "2". How to do it?

回答 (1 件)

Pratyush 2024 年 2 月 14 日
Hi Shweta,
To separate individual strokes from a gesture like the numeral "2" in MATLAB, follow these steps:
  • Pre-process the image by converting it to grayscale, binarizing it, and removing noise.
  • Use edge detection and skeletonization to find and thin the outlines of the strokes.
  • Trace the contours of the strokes and analyze their curvature to distinguish between straight and curved segments.
  • Label and classify the different strokes based on features such as length and curvature.
  • Visualize the separated strokes for verification.
Here's an example MATLAB code for these steps:
% Load and preprocess the image
img = imread('numeral2.png');
grayImg = rgb2gray(img);
binaryImg = imbinarize(grayImg);
cleanImg = bwareaopen(binaryImg, 30);
% Edge detection and skeletonization
edges = edge(cleanImg, 'canny');
skeleton = bwmorph(edges, 'thin', Inf);
% Find contours and separate strokes
[contours, ~] = bwboundaries(skeleton, 'noholes');
for i = 1:length(contours)
contour = contours{i};
% Analyze contour for curvature and classify (code for analysis not included)
% Visualize the contour
figure; imshow(skeleton); hold on;
plot(contour(:,2), contour(:,1), 'g', 'LineWidth', 2);
The actual curvature analysis and classification logic are not included and would need to be implemented based on your specific requirements.

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