Why unifrnd(lb,ub,[nPop,D]) gives error?

3 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Sadiq Akbar
Sadiq Akbar 2020 年 12 月 26 日
コメント済み: Rik 2021 年 1 月 3 日
Why the following code gives error?
lb=[0 0 0 0]; ub=[10 10 pi pi]; nPop=30; D=4;
Error using unifrnd
Size information is inconsistent.
  1 件のコメント
Rik 2021 年 1 月 3 日
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回答 (1 件)

Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza 2020 年 12 月 26 日
This cannot be done in single call to unifrnd. You need a for-loop
lb = [0 0 0 0]; ub=[10 10 pi pi]; nPop=30;
D = numel(lb);
M = rand(nPop, D);
for i = 1:D
M(:,i) = unifrnd(lb(i),ub(i),[nPop,1]);
  31 件のコメント
Sadiq Akbar
Sadiq Akbar 2020 年 12 月 28 日
Thanks a lot dear Walter Roberson for your efforts. I ran it. Now its working. I get the graph. But when I removed the semicolons from "xmin" and "fmin" to see their values.In this xmin is the estimated vector which must nearly resemble my u vectro in the "obj.m" file. But I see that its not the same as my u vector. A lot of variations in the values and sometimes their values changes positions as well. As you can see my different runs:
>> myfit_driver
xmin =
0.9932 2.1081 2.9842 3.1416
fmin =
>> myfit_driver
xmin =
0.9396 1.9000 3.0854 3.1416
fmin =
>> myfit_driver
xmin =
0.9186 1.9747 2.9763 3.1416
fmin =
>> myfit_driver
xmin =
1.0536 2.0371 3.1416 3.1416
fmin =
>> myfit_driver
xmin =
1.0377 2.0226 2.8995 3.1416
fmin =
>> myfit_driver
xmin =
0.9598 1.9679 2.8777 3.1416
fmin =
>> myfit_driver
xmin =
1.0721 1.8975 3.0554 3.1416
fmin =
>> myfit_driver
xmin =
1.0148 1.8979 2.9469 3.1416
fmin =
>> myfit_driver
xmin =
0.9659 2.0040 3.1416 3.1416
fmin =
>> myfit_driver
xmin =
0.9647 2.0892 3.0875 3.1416
fmin =
>> myfit_driver
xmin =
0.8858 1.9868 3.0025 3.1416
fmin =
>> obj_driver
xmin =
1.7087 5.7792 1.4902 0.8463
fmin =
>> obj_driver
xmin =
3.0668 5.6929 0.8875 1.4876
fmin =
>> obj_driver
xmin =
1.4781 5.9054 1.5567 0.8601
fmin =
>> obj_driver
xmin =
2.4717 8.4429 0.8501 1.4941
fmin =
>> th=pi/180;
u=[2 7 50*th 85*th]
u =
2.0000 7.0000 0.8727 1.4835
>> obj_driver
xmin =
1.4817 7.0154 0.9122 1.5292
fmin =
>> obj_driver
xmin =
6.6405 2.0153 0.8459 1.4795
fmin =
Now what to do dear?
Sadiq Akbar
Sadiq Akbar 2020 年 12 月 28 日
Further, when i rant it with my own old fitness function (before your chnages), again it gave error as:
Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.
Error in fun2sn0 (line 13)
[~, ix1(ix)] = sort(b); % temp stores the randomly generated vector "best" by algorithm
Error in GQPSO (line 54)
f_x(i) = feval(fun,x(i, :));
Error in myfit_driver (line 2)
[xmin,fmin,histout] = GQPSO(@fun2sn0,4,30,[0 0 0 0],[10 10 pi pi],2000,10000*4);



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