
Nested loop, How can i plot a BER performance for different dBs using a nested loop

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Lutfeyara Sweety
Lutfeyara Sweety 2020 年 12 月 16 日
回答済み: Shraddha Jain 2020 年 12 月 24 日
How can i plot BER vs E_b/N for different signal to noise ratio? Here is mhy code and i have used nested loop but wouldnt be able to see the plot . I am a new user and help needed in it.
clear; clf
Ldata = 20000; %data length in simulation
Lc = 8; %SPreading factor vs data rate
%generate QPSK modulation symbol
data_sym = 2*round(rand(Ldata,1))-1+1i*(2*round(rand(Ldata,1))-1);
jam_data = 2*round(rand(Ldata,1))-1+1i*(2*round(rand(Ldata,1))-1);
%generating a walsh hadamard codes of length 8
Pcode = [1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 1]' ;
%sPread the code
x_in = kron(data_sym, Pcode);
SIR = [5 8 10 20];
noise = randn(Ldata*Lc,1) + 1i*randn(Ldata*Lc,1);
jam_mod = kron(jam_data,ones(Lc,1));
clear jam_data;
[P,x] = pwelch(x_in,[],[],[4096], Lc,'twoside');
%clear jam_mod;
for j = 1:length(SIR)
for i = 1:10
BER = [];
BER_az = [];
Pj = 2*Lc / (10^(SIR(j)/10));
jammer = sqrt(Pj/2)*jam_mod.*exp(1i*2*pi*0.12*(1:Ldata*Lc)).';
[P,x] = pwelch(jammer+x_in,[],[],[4096], Lc,'twoside');
%clear jam_mod;
EB2N(i) = (i-1);
EB2N_num = 10^(EB2N(i)/10);
Var_n = Lc/(2*EB2N_num); %variance
signois = sqrt(Var_n); %standard deviation
awgnois = signois*noise;
y_out = x_in+awgnois+jammer;
Y_out = reshape(y_out,Lc,Ldata).';
clear y_out awgnois;
z_out = Y_out*Pcode;
%decision based on the sign of the samPles
dec1 = sign(real(z_out))+j*sign(imag(z_out));
%comPare against the original data to calcuate BER
BER = [BER;sum([real(data_sym)~=real(dec1);...
BER_az = [BER_az;0.5*erfc(sqrt(EB2N_num))];
if j==1
figber = semilogy(EB2N,BER_az, 'k-');
hold on;
figber = semilogy(EB2N,BER);
clear BER;
clear BER_az;
legend('No jamming','SNR:-5 dB', 'SNR:-8 dB', 'SNR:-10 dB', 'SNR:-20 dB');
xfont=xlabel('E_b/N in dB');
yfont = ylabel('bit error rate');
title('DSSS with sPreading gain 11');

回答 (1 件)

Shraddha Jain
Shraddha Jain 2020 年 12 月 24 日
Hi Lutfeyara,
In order to display individual figure windows, use the figure command just before the semilogy command as,
figber = semilogy(EB2N,BER);


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