Gain and phase margin + phase and gain crossover frequeny results
22 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
I used this code to find phase and gain margin. Also to find phase and gain crossover frequeny
syms s
G = tf([7 14],[1 10 24])
grid on
but I got this result. can any one explain to me why Gm and Pm = Inf and Wcg and Wcp= NaN?
and what is maning of Inf and Nan?
G =
7 s + 14
s^2 + 10 s + 24
Continuous-time transfer function.
Gm =
Pm =
Wcg =
Wcp =
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回答 (2 件)
Keerthana Chiruvolu
2020 年 12 月 8 日
Firstly, NaN means Not A Number and inf is infinite.
From the bode plot of the transfer function, we can observe that the Magnitude plot doesn’t cross 0. And the phase is not 180° at any frequency.
Wcp - 0-dB gain crossing frequency.
Wcg -180° phase crossing frequency
To calculate the gain and phase margins we require the crossover frequencies. Hence, the result for Wcp , Wcg is NaN and Gm, Pm are inf.
1 件のコメント
Kingsley Osubor
2021 年 8 月 17 日
How can we explain a bode diagram with Gm with Infinity, Pm with infinity, Wcg with infinity and Wcg with not a number value.
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