Too Many Input Arguments
2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
I have checked the number of arguments in the traindiscretemodel function and in the main Train_PF program the number is the same, but it says error too many input arguments
Error using traindiscretemodel
Too many input arguments.
Error in Train_PF (line 85)
[Pa(j+1,i),Va(j+1,i),Ta(j+1,i)] =
this is my train discrete model function
function [PositionN, VelocityN, TorqueN] = traindiscretemodel(Tim_step,Position,Velocity,Torque,Mass,Ca_0,Ca_1,Ca_2,R,Eta,fR,g,Cw,A,rho)
% Train Model
PositionN = Position + Velocity*Tim_step;
VelocityN = Velocity + 1/Mass *(Eta*Torque/R - (Ca_0 + Ca_1*Velocity + Ca_2*Velocity^2))*Tim_step;
TorqueN = (((fR*Mass*g*Cos(Theta) + Mass*g*Sin(Theta) + 1/2*Cw*A*rho*Velocity^2 + Mass*Velocity)*R)/4*Num_veh)*Tim_step;
0 件のコメント
2020 年 12 月 2 日
編集済み: KSSV
2020 年 12 月 2 日
The function takes 15 inputs and you are giving 16 inputs. Please check.
I feel the first input ua(j,i) is extra.
4 件のコメント
2020 年 12 月 2 日
The respective functions are Cos and Sin, I don't think they are inbuilt functions. The input functions are cos, sin (first letter is small, see the difference). If the error too many input arguments is solved, then you will know about this.
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