Heatmap: Vector of x values ​​contains duplicate values

14 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Torsten K
Torsten K 2020 年 9 月 25 日
コメント済み: Ameer Hamza 2020 年 9 月 25 日
Hello everybody,
I would like to create a heatmap in which the X-Labels are repeated. The X-Label categories are the strings "L", "M", and "R". Tried to make the strings unique by adding spaces, but it didn't work:
h = heatmap(randi(100,10,12), 'Colormap', jet);
h.YData = ["E10" "E9" "E8" "E7" "E6" "E5" "E4" "E3" "E2" "E1"];
h.XData = ["L" "M" "R"
strcat(" ","L") strcat(" ","M") strcat(" ","R")
strcat(" ","L"," ") strcat(" ","M"," ") strcat(" ","R"," ")
strcat(" ","L"," ") strcat(" ","M"," ") strcat(" ","R"," ")];
The error message "Vector of x values ​​contains duplicate values" appears. Strangely enough, Matlab sees the generated strings as unique:
str = ["L" "M" "R"
strcat(" ","L") strcat(" ","M") strcat(" ","R")
strcat(" ","L"," ") strcat(" ","M"," ") strcat(" ","R"," ")
strcat(" ","L"," ") strcat(" ","M"," ") strcat(" ","R"," ")];
ans =
1×12 string array
" L " " M " " R " " L" " L " " M" " M " " R" " R " "L" "M" "R"
Where is the mistake? Does anyone have a solution?
Best regards


Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza 2020 年 9 月 25 日
編集済み: Ameer Hamza 2020 年 9 月 25 日
Instead of XData and YData, change XDisplayLabels and YDisplayLabels.
h.YDisplayLabels = ["E10" "E9" "E8" "E7" "E6" "E5" "E4" "E3" "E2" "E1"];
h.XDisplayLabels = ["L" "M" "R"
strcat(" ","L") strcat(" ","M") strcat(" ","R")
strcat(" ","L"," ") strcat(" ","M"," ") strcat(" ","R"," ")
strcat(" ","L"," ") strcat(" ","M"," ") strcat(" ","R"," ")];
As a side note, I am not sure why are you using strcat here.
strcat(" ","L")
is equivalent to
" L"
  2 件のコメント
Torsten K
Torsten K 2020 年 9 月 25 日
Perfect answer! Thanks a lot, Ameer!
Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza 2020 年 9 月 25 日
I am glad to be of help! :)


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