String to Datenum Format using opts and Setvaropts
1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
I have read in a table using readtable() and am trying to convert on of the columns to datetime as it is currently a string in the format of the data.
My datetime format looks like...
in which the format looks like yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'
when i try to use
opts = setvaropts(opts, 'time','DatetimeFormat', 'yyyyMMdd HHmmss ');
or any combination with the T and Z markers it kicks back an error.
Im not an expert with how i need to format this so any help would be appreciated.
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Star Strider
2020 年 9 月 21 日
Try reading those in as strings, then doing the conversion later:
t = repmat('20200721T145002Z', 5, 1); % Create Data
T1 = table(compose('%s',t)); % Create Table
T1.Var1 = datetime(T1{:,1}, 'InputFormat','uuuuMMdd''T''HHmmssZ','TimeZone','UTC') % Convert To Datetime
Alternatively, you can try it with setvaropts, using the 'InputFormat' string I use here. If that does not work, read it in as a string and then do the converstion.
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