
why I am getting error while tuning using control system tuner

3 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Shravista Kashyap
Shravista Kashyap 2020 年 7 月 20 日
コメント済み: Arkadiy Turevskiy 2020 年 10 月 7 日
While I am trying to select signals for quick loop tuning, I am getting on this error repeatedly. I don't fully understand how can t can be negative during simulatiion and error raised by the above image. Can anyone please explain
  2 件のコメント
Siddharth Jawahar
Siddharth Jawahar 2020 年 8 月 20 日
Can you put in reproduction steps and the files used Shravista?
Shravista Kashyap
Shravista Kashyap 2020 年 8 月 20 日
After opening the control system tuner app, I have selected the gain blocks to tune and then I have selected the the actuator signals to motor as input, then after compiling I start getting this error. The simulink diagram can be seen at below links
The actual input the control block shown in the diagram( see the above link) is from a matlab function block called minJerkTraj. The code is as shown below. Also I have used the blocks Matlab System blocks and simscape models imported using robotics toolbox.
function [Acc,X,Vel] = minJerkTraj(boundary_cond,t)
% boundary_ cond is nX6 array of pos and euler angles
% boundary_cond = [x,y,z,alpha,beta,gamma]
% t is time inputs provided by simulink clock block
% it calculates the minimum jerk trajectory for given boundar conditions without any
% restrictions on velocity at waypoints except for maintaining the continuity at waypoints
% Acc = Accelaration 6X1 vector (Acc = [angular_accelaration; accelaration])
% X = trajectory points(6X1 (X = [euler angles;pos])
% Vel = Velocity 6X1 vector 6X1 (Vel = [omega;velocity])
D = @(t) [1, t, t^2, t^3, t^4, t^5
0, 1, 2*t, 3*t^2, 4*t^3, 5*t^4
0, 0, 2, 6*t, 12*t^2, 20*t^3
0, 0, 0, 6, 24*t, 60*t^2];
T = timeVariation(boundary_cond); % fuction that calculates the time vector nX1
eulAng_b = boundary_cond(:,4:6);
quat_b = quaternion(eulAng_b,'euler','ZYZ','frame');
logi = zeros(length(T),1); % logical index stating for in which ranges of time it comes the waypoints come in i.e.[T(i),T(i+1)]
for i = 1:length(T)
logi(i) = t<=T(i);
if sum(logi) == length(T)
j1 = 1;
j1 = length(T)-sum(logi);
[quat,omega,alpha] = rottraj(quat_b(j1),quat_b(j1+1),T(j1:j1+1),t);
eulerAng = euler(quat,'ZYZ','frame');
boundary_cond = boundary_cond(:,1:3);
% this function generates the coefficients required to calculate the fifth degree polynomial in time
C = trajGen(boundary_cond,T);
% no of time range possibel i.e. if size of T is 4 then [T1,T2],[T2,T3],[T3,T4]
m1 = size(boundary_cond,1)-1;
% calculates the index to fetch the coefficients from the matrix C
cIndex = 1:m1;
ci = cIndex(m1-sum(t<=T(2:end))+1);
temp = D(t)*C(6*ci-5:6*ci,:);
X = [eulerAng(:);temp(1,:)'];
Vel = [omega(:);temp(2,:)'];
Acc = [alpha(:);temp(3,:)'];



Arkadiy Turevskiy
Arkadiy Turevskiy 2020 年 10 月 7 日
We won't be able to provide a better answer without access to your model and a function. Can you please contact tech support?
  2 件のコメント
Shravista Kashyap
Shravista Kashyap 2020 年 10 月 7 日
Can I share my models and functions I have used to built it here. I have little confusion since, I used urdf files which require them to be in specific directory. So, how to share it with you people. In case I cannot share it here, how to contact tech support
Arkadiy Turevskiy
Arkadiy Turevskiy 2020 年 10 月 7 日


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