How to do Weighted Historical Simulation?

2 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
C.G. Rodriguez
C.G. Rodriguez 2020 年 7 月 9 日
コメント済み: Jakob B. Nielsen 2020 年 7 月 10 日
I was trying to build a code for Weighted Historical Simulation by altering expected shortfall code from:
However, this is what I came up with:
% Log Returns calculated
format short;
Returns =tick2ret(UKX_Index_PX_LAST,"method",'continuous');
DateReturns = Date(2:end);
SampleSize = length(Returns);
%Estimation window as 250 days; starts on 1st day of 2007 to end of sample
TestWindowStart = find(year(DateReturns)==2007,1);
TestWindow = TestWindowStart : SampleSize;
EstimationWindowSize = 250;
DatesTest = DateReturns(TestWindow);
ReturnsTest = Returns(TestWindow);
VarLevel = 0.95
VaR_Hist = zeros(length(TestWindow),1);
VaR_WHSHist = zeros(length(TestWindow),1);
tau = num2cell(sort([1:250],"descend"));
for t = TestWindow
i = t - TestWindowStart + 1;
EstimationWindow = t-EstimationWindowSize:t-1;
[VaR_Hist(i), VaR_WHSHist(i)] = WHSVar(Returns(EstimationWindow),VarLevel);
using this new function WHSVar, I am creating:
function [VaR,n_tau] = WHSVar(Sample,VaRLevel)
N = length(Sample);
tau = k;
if k <= N
n_tau = ((eda^(tau-1)*(1-eda)/(1-eda^N));
c1= ceil(cumsum(n_tau));
y1 =sortrows([n_tau,w1],"descend");
y2 = [y1,c1];
index = find(y2)==VaRLevel;
WHS_VaR = z(3);
The error message is
Error: File: WHSVar.m Line: 10 Column: 48
Invalid expression. When calling a function or indexing a variable, use parentheses.
Otherwise, check for mismatched delimiters.
I attached the data which I am using. How to fix this error? Please I would really appreciate your help as it is for my project in finance.
Kindest Regards,

回答 (1 件)

Jakob B. Nielsen
Jakob B. Nielsen 2020 年 7 月 9 日
I think you just need to move your parantheses in the function, to contain the entire logic statement.
function [VaR,n_tau] = WHSVar(Sample,VaRLevel)
N = length(Sample);
tau = k;
if k <= N
n_tau = ((eda^(tau-1)*(1-eda)/(1-eda^N));
c1= ceil(cumsum(n_tau));
y1 =sortrows([n_tau,w1],"descend");
y2 = [y1,c1];
index = find(y2==VaRLevel); %the logic statement must be inside the parantheses.
WHS_VaR = z(3);
  2 件のコメント
C.G. Rodriguez
C.G. Rodriguez 2020 年 7 月 9 日
Thank you Jakob B. Nielsen.
function [WHS_VaR,n_tau] = WHSVar(Sample,VaRLevel)
N = length(Sample);
tau = k;
if k <= N
n_tau = ((eda^(tau-1)*(1-eda)/(1-eda^N));
c1 = ceil(cumsum(n_tau));
d1 = [n_tau(:),sample(:)];
y1 =sortrows(d1,"descend");
y2 = [y1,c1];
index = find(y2)==VaRLevel);
WHS_VaR = z(3);
I fixed it and ran the code again. However, this is the error message:
Invalid expression. When calling a function or indexing a variable, use parentheses. Otherwise, check for mismatched delimiters. I am not sure how to fix this error. Please help me. I would greatly appreciate it
Jakob B. Nielsen
Jakob B. Nielsen 2020 年 7 月 10 日
If you look at the error message, it says something with parentheses and delimiters, so that is where you should look. It also says line 7, so you know its this line:
n_tau = ((eda^(tau-1)*(1-eda)/(1-eda^N));
Count the opening parentheses: there's 5. Now count the closing parentheses - there are only 4.
n_tau = ((eda^(tau-1)*(1-eda) ) /(1-eda^N)); %<-- extra parentheses
also, you still have the parentheses around your index wrong. The full function should look like this:
function [WHS_VaR,n_tau] = WHSVar(Sample,VaRLevel)
N = length(Sample);
tau = k;
if k <= N
n_tau = ((eda^(tau-1)*(1-eda))/(1-eda^N));
c1 = ceil(cumsum(n_tau));
d1 = [n_tau(:),sample(:)];
y1 =sortrows(d1,"descend");
y2 = [y1,c1];
index = find(y2==VaRLevel);
WHS_VaR = z(3);



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