How to clear boxplots?
6 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Dear Matlab-Users
Is there a way to efficiently delete all elements of a boxplot from a figure? This implementation does the job
delete(findobj(gca,'Tag','Box')); delete(findobj(gca,'Tag','Upper Adjacent Value')); delete(findobj(gca,'Tag','Lower Adjacent Value')); delete(findobj(gca,'Tag','Upper Whisker')); delete(findobj(gca,'Tag','Lower Whisker')); delete(findobj(gca,'Tag','Median')); delete(findobj(gca,'Tag','Outliers')); delete(findobj(gca,'Type','patch')); % the boxes are colored
But it is very slow and not feasible, since I deal with many axes (which are integrated in a GUI). This GUI allows the user to adjust the matrix X which is depicted by boxplot(X). I think that cla is not an option, since the axes contain other elements which need to stay visible. Any ideas?
boxplot(X,'Tag','box_plot'); delete(findobj(gca,'Tag','box_plot'));
is not allowed. How can I avoid this frequent call of findobj?
Thanks in advance.
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回答 (1 件)
Jonathan Epperl
2012 年 12 月 7 日
You should capture the handles of the objects created by boxplot in a variable, then you can delete them all together without having to find them every time:
load carsmall
h = boxplot(MPG,Origin); % Now h contains the handles to every object created
text(3, 40,'blabla')
delete(h) % Note that the boxes and stuff are gone, the text is still there
1 件のコメント
Matt Fig
2012 年 12 月 7 日
Petra, with graphics objects (figures, axes, lines, etc) it is always worthwhile to see if the creation call returns a handle. This will help you in further manipulations down the road, more than just deleting things....
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