
Datetime conversion input format

19 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Robin Schäfer
Robin Schäfer 2020 年 6 月 23 日
コメント済み: Robin Schäfer 2020 年 6 月 23 日
Hello everyone,
i got a problem while converting strings to datetime. My data come from a table in the format e.g. '013044' which should equal 'HHMMSS'. Therefore I suggested this code:
However, the result I get is "shifted" and i get in the upper example values like "00:13:04". I attached my data and the results.


Stephen23 2020 年 6 月 23 日
編集済み: Stephen23 2020 年 6 月 23 日
According to the datetime documentation, the correct format characters for times are:
  • hours: 'HH' or 'hh' (for 24/12 hour clocks respectively)
  • minutes: 'mm'
  • seconds: 'ss'
Using the documented time format strings does not seem to give any problems:
>> TT.Time = datetime(TT.TimeString,'InputFormat','HHmmss','Format','HH:mm:ss')
TT =
TimeString Time
__________ ________
'002039' 00:20:39
'011347' 01:13:47
'014356' 01:43:56
'002039' 00:20:39
'004039' 00:40:39
'011347' 01:13:47
'002039' 00:20:39
'002039' 00:20:39
'002148' 00:21:48
'002227' 00:22:27
'002320' 00:23:20
'002407' 00:24:07
'002548' 00:25:48
... lots of rows here
'011810' 01:18:10
'012401' 01:24:01
'012632' 01:26:32
'012751' 01:27:51
'013029' 01:30:29
'013157' 01:31:57
'013357' 01:33:57
'013533' 01:35:33
'013806' 01:38:06
'014026' 01:40:26
You should also pay attention to other relevant parts of the documentation, e.g. "If infmt does not include a date specifier, then datetime assumes that the values in DateStrings occur during the current day". A duration object may be more suitable for your data.
  1 件のコメント
Robin Schäfer
Robin Schäfer 2020 年 6 月 23 日
Thank you Stephen. I kind of expected a small mistake like this in the input format... I will check the convertion to a duration object, thank you!


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