
Applying smoothing to image

16 ビュー (過去 30 日間)
Michel Joge
Michel Joge 2020 年 6 月 8 日
コメント済み: Image Analyst 2021 年 5 月 30 日
How can I apply smoothing to the image with 3*3 filter mask without Image Processing Tool Box (Manually)


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2020 年 6 月 8 日
Is it gray scale or color? And this seems to be the hot topic of the month. There are so many threads lately on manually computing blurring or filtering of images with nested for loops - just search for them. I'm attaching my demo.
  1 件のコメント
Michel Joge
Michel Joge 2020 年 6 月 9 日
It is gray scale color. Thank you for attaching a demo!


その他の回答 (2 件)

Rik 2020 年 6 月 8 日
A convolution may be what you need.
  1 件のコメント
Michel Joge
Michel Joge 2020 年 6 月 8 日
Thank you!


magramane khadidja
magramane khadidja 2021 年 5 月 28 日
how smoothing image for done by filling up the small regions and dilating the boundary of the thresholded image?
  7 件のコメント
magramane khadidja
magramane khadidja 2021 年 5 月 30 日
@Image Analyst yes i want
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2021 年 5 月 30 日
@magramane khadidja, it's still showing you as not having posted a question of your own (in a new thread like I asked). Where is it? What's the link? Over there, give your code with the functions I listed, and attach your image.



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