Storing Data From a For Loop

1 回表示 (過去 30 日間)
Faris Amzar Mohamad Azrai
Faris Amzar Mohamad Azrai 2020 年 6 月 2 日
コメント済み: TADA 2020 年 6 月 4 日
How can I store all the results from the Loop? I keep getting the final value only.
D_c = 1:1:80;
L_c = 120;
C_s1c = 2.5e6;
C_01c = 2e6;
x = linspace(0,120,100);
xi = 0.1;
precision = 0.0001;
dc = 0;
my_root = [];
for i = 1:length(D_c)
dc = D_c(i);
df_c = @(x) (2.*x * C_s1c)./(2*sqrt(dc^2 + x.^2))-C_01c;
df_c2 = @(x) (dc^2 .* C_s1c)./((x.^2 + dc^2).^1.5);
[root] = newraph(df_c, df_c2, xi, precision);


TADA 2020 年 6 月 2 日
Assuming your Newton-Raphson method returns a scalar:
D_c = 1:1:80;
L_c = 120;
C_s1c = 2.5e6;
C_01c = 2e6;
x = linspace(0,120,100);
xi = 0.1;
precision = 0.0001;
dc = 0;
my_root = [];
root = zeros(size(D_c));
for i = 1:length(D_c)
dc = D_c(i);
df_c = @(x) (2.*x * C_s1c)./(2*sqrt(dc^2 + x.^2))-C_01c;
df_c2 = @(x) (dc^2 .* C_s1c)./((x.^2 + dc^2).^1.5);
root(i) = newraph(df_c, df_c2, xi, precision);
  2 件のコメント
Faris Amzar Mohamad Azrai
Faris Amzar Mohamad Azrai 2020 年 6 月 2 日
Thanks! It helps alot
TADA 2020 年 6 月 4 日


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